Why .aleks

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(Self-harm, talking about depression, suicide story)

Your POV

He's gonna be so disappointed. I'm gonna loose him. He doesn't deserve this mess of myself.

I threw the box of tissues and just cried. My sobs became louder to the point where Mishka was clawing at the door.




That's how many slices I've done so far.

"Y/N OPEN UP! I HEAR YOU CRYING!" Aleks was banging on the door and all I could do was cry and harm myself. I couldn't move from my position in the bathtub I was broken.

"IM GETTING THE SPARE KEY!" All the doors had key slots for some odd reason.

'He's not gonna find it' I mumbled. I was crying softer now but still harming myself. Aleks knows that I used to do this but something happened today that I flipped out. When I told him I thought he was gonna run. He just hugged me.

I was so lost in my thoughts I hadn't heard Aleks open the bathroom door.


I stared at him and sobbed. He took it from my hands and flushed it down the toilet.

He flipped my arms over so he could see my wrists. He started to cry and I stopped crying.

He stopped me.

"W-why? what the f-UCK happened? was it me? Y/N!"

I nodded no and stared into his teary eyes.

"Then what?!"

"My mom killed herself"

I quietly said. She was my best friend. She had been dealing with severe depression as well and I did everything to help her. I always put her first.

How you got the news

I was scrolling through twitter waiting for Aleks to come home when my brother called me.

"Hey what's up dude?"

He was crying so I started to panic.

"Y/B/N what's wrong?"

"M-mom killed.....herself" the lump in my throat came up. I sobbed with my brother on the phone.

"She stabbed herself in t-the heart multiple times" my brother said.

"ok Y/B/N Ill see you later ok. Take her to the hospital. Now. There's a chance she could make it!"

I had hope but I didn't.


Aleks was cradling me as i stared into space.

"She was my best friend. When I over-dosed because of my dad, my brother and her were the only ones that didn't leave me. When I told her I used to cut, she helped me. She's gone!"

It hit me. I wiggled myself out of Aleks' arms and ran towards the door. Grabbed my shoes and keys and went to get in the car.

"Y/N!" Aleks jumped in and I raced to the hospital. "Babe! Please stop speeding!"


"She's dead" I stared at my lifeless mother. 'I love you, so much"

I said and ran out of the hospital.


At home.

"Why why why why?"

It was 3 days later and the funeral was tomorrow. Aleks was streaming and I was watching the stream.

He looked like he had been crying before he started.

He paused the game.

"I wanted to make a statement here. Depression is obviously a bad thing. It destroys people. Some put on a fake smile and go with their day. But when they're alone they break. Some show it. If you take certain measures you could end up harming yourself and possibly killing yourself. I don't wanna ever hear that one of you killed yourself or harmed yourself. You're strong and I hope you know that. You can fight this. At RTX I saw a fan with scars and I honestly almost flipped out. I gave her a hug and she said thank you. Point is, that person was strong. Be that person. Please"

I was crying as he stared into the camera. I typed in the chat.

"DM if you have a problem"

Listen to 'Aleks' guys.

You're welcome to message me if there's something wrong. I have twitter, Instagram ask.fm kik. Just please.

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