what he likes about you .preferences

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Aleks: he really likes your hair. He finds it to always be soft and gorgeous.

James: your nose. He finds it boopable and adorable.

Jordan: your eyes. Like his, your eyes are gorgeous. He could stare into them all day.

Ze: your laugh. Your laugh is unique to him and it's the best sound in the world.

Nick: your love for animals. He really admires the fact you'd basically do anything for an animal.

Spencer: your humor. You always find a way to find him laugh. No matter what he's feeling.

Artist Joe: your protectiveness. You always make sure him and the others are not hurt or doing anything stupid. Even though they do the stupid things anyway.

Intern Joe: how big hearted you are. The only way your mean is if someone really hurts you or Joe.

Dex: how cheeky you are. Both you and Dex are very cheeky people so it works out.

Stefani: your sarcasm. She loves how when one of the boys say something you always have something witty to say.

Aron: how you don't really like human interaction. Just like him, you aren't really a people person and he likes that you guys share that.

Dan: your voice. It's such a peaceful thing to hear for him. It calms him when he's stressed.

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