Seeing Stars .aleks

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Your POV

A sigh left my mouth as I rested my head on my boyfriends shoulder. I saw him smile which made me smile bigger.

"I'm tired as fuck but I wanna go adventuring!" I said with wide eyes. He chuckled and took my hand. "How about we do both. We could go to a cabin sight tonight with Mishka and sleep and adventure tomorrow?" He suggested.

I picked my head up from the handsome mans shoulder. He usually doesn't wanna leave the house unless its the office or a party.

"Y-your serious?"

He gave me a look like it was the most obvious thing that he was serious. "Hell yeah! I'll go start packing. C'mon!" Aleks hopped off the couch as Mishka followed and into our room. I was still sitting in the couch stunned.

I saw aleks peak his head out from the doorway. "Y/N?" I stood up and ran into our room.

I jumped into his arms that he left open and then he tightly hugged me. My legs wrapped our his torso and my head in the crook of his neck. His head was doing the same as he rubbed my back.

I lifted my head up which resulted in him doing the same and we stared into each others eyes.

He pecked me on the lips and I blushed.

"You know what I see when I look into your eyes Y/N?," Aleks asked.

I bit my lip and nodded 'no'

"I see my favorite galaxy" Aleks pecked me on the lips again and noticed my confused face.

"The galaxy?" I questioned.

"Because of the twinkle in your beautiful eyes"

He widely smiled.

"Your cheesy but I am too because I only get those twinkles when I look at you"

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