See You Soon .dex

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Your POV

Today. Today is the day Dexter Manning, my boyfriend goes back to England. I don't want him to go! Its the last time we'll cuddle in what will feel like forever, my whole life with be sad.

We're driving to the airport. I'm holding back my sobs as Dex his holding my hand to the point where it hurts. I don't care though because it hurts less than watching him leave and me not see him for 10 months, tops.

They're talking about old times and trying to get me to talk but I just nod or less I'll just start sobbing.

"And remember when you killed ALL those moths! Almost hitting me in the process" Jordan smiles as they all laugh about the time.

I let out a slight chuckle. Me and him were just best friends then little did we know 5 months later we would confess how we feel and fall in love.

Love. The love of my life. My happiness. It's leaving.

"Babe, we're here." Dex squeezes my hand and kisses my cheek.

I look him in the eyes and I felt a tear go down my face. The boys are standing outside the car chatting.

"I don't want you to go. Why do you have to go?!" I almost yelled while I feel more tears and my throat get a bigger lump than before. "You know why I have to go love. I don't wanna leave you but I have to." He has started to cry too. He put a hand on my cheek and kissed me passionately. I didn't want it to stop! His lips felt like heaven.

Sadly, it had to when Aron tapped on the window to let us know we had to start walking.

We walked hand and hand, slightly crying. He wiped my tears away and held my hand tighter.

'Flight to England leaving in 10 minutes'

I kinda hoped it would somehow get delayed. I can't loose the only thing I got. We sat down and I sat on Dex's lap, straddled to his body like a child. I sobbed into his shoulder.

"Goddamnit, I love you Y/N so much. Ah fuck I hate to leave you" I could hear he was holding back tears. He hugged me tighter and rocked me. "You really don't have to. But I understand why. But we can turn back now"

He sighed and started to rub circles on my back. '5 minutes'

We started to get up and he hugged everyone.

Then he got to me and I didn't wanna look him in the eye.

"Y/N, please let me see you're beautiful eyes. Please. I love you babygirl."

I looked up at his beautiful gray eyes and smiled. "It won't be the last time I see those eyes in person. Promise me" I said whole grabbing his hands.

"I swear on my CHANNEL it won't be. You're a strong person with great friends. I'll still be with you every step of the fucking way. Don't think I'm gone. I love you too much to even say I'm gone. I love you so fucking much Y/N" Dex hugged me tightly and we cried together.

"I love you too. Never leave me"

"I wwon't"

We kissed and the boys cheered.

"See you soon my love"

He was on the plane. I started sobbing and ran into Aleks' arms.

I know what you're thinking, "drama queen?" no, he helped me when no one else would. The time zones are different! Everything is different.

"See you soon my king"


Sorry I haven't updated. Something major happened in my life and plus I was kinda dealing with Dex being gone

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