Secrets .stefani

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Your POV

"Stef! We have to tell them! They're our best friends they have to find out!" She pulled at her hair as I continued. "It's been 3 months,Stefani!"

"I know Y/N! I don't know what to say though..." "That we're together! That we love each other! Do you not love me enough to tell them?" I asked, tears coming to my eyes. She looked up and grabbed my hands. "Babe, no. I love you with everything I have! I mean, none of them are homophobes so it shouldn't be a problem..."

"So we're telling them?" She nodded yes and pulled me in for a kiss. It was passionate and romantic and I never wanted it to end. Sadly, it did. We pressed our foreheads together and I pecked her on the lips. "Lets go babygirl"


We ran into the office, hand in hand smiling. "GUYS! MEETING!" I heard multiple 'what's?' and 'well damn'

Stef and I sat at the conference table and waited for everyone to pile in.

"What's up guys?" I looked at Stef who seemed nervous so I squeezed her hand to let her know I'm here. "Well, Stef and I-" "Y/N have been a happy couple for 3 months and I love her to death. If you don't agree with us being together I'll leave now." The guys looked shocked all except Aleks. "I knew it! I can tell you guys love each other! It's in your eyes when you look at each other! Congrats!" He got up and hugged us. "We have no problem with you guys being together. If you're happy then we don't care" Jordan told us and the rest agreed. "I love you all so much" Stef said. "Me too"

They all got up and huddled us in a hug.

That was relieving

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