Better Builder .jordan

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Your POV

"Jordan, that's gonna fall eventually, there's like nothing clasping it to the wall!"

We,kinda we, were putting up a shelf in the creature lobby. We needed more room to put the fan mail and we just generally needed more room.

"Relax! I got it babe!"

Did I mention my boyfriend who nearly killed himself last year putting up a monitor is doing it? Cause' I don't think I did.

We were doing it at like 2am, no one was in the office so we had no interruptions. It was kinda peaceful except when I sometimes yell at him because the shelf doesn't look safe.

"It's gonna fall! Do you want fan mail getting damaged?" I put my hand on my hip and looked down up at him.

"Fine! How about you do it!" He handed me the screwdriver and nails. I confidently took them and smirked.

Jordan grabbed the camera and started filming. "Here we have Y/N trying to put in a shelf. She thinks the way I was doing I was gonna kill someone."

"You were" "Were not" "Keep dreaming"

I screwed the clasp into the wall and into the self. I lightly shook it to make sure it was gonna stay in.

"There you are Bob the Builder"

I smirked at the camera and put the screwdriver and box of nails on the floor.

"Well hot diggity dog, I shouldn't doubt you anymore" "Never doubt me Jordan"

He turned the camera on us and kissed me on the lips.

"Fucking cutie"

With that he turned off the camera.

"No ones around, let's have some fun"

That night was really fun ;)

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