Lucille- TWD AU (aleks)

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Your POV

I winced as I was thrown to the ground by a Saviour. The rocks in the ground scraping my knees.

(I don't remember everything he says fml)

"hi I'm Negan",

this is the asshole we were sent to kill. great.

he had a leather jacket and a bat. a bat with fucking barbed wire around it. that's brutal as hell.

"you killed my people, which is not cool. not cool at all!" he swung the bat around. I gulped as I looked at the rest of the group.

to my left was Joe and to my right Brett. Brett was shot and doubled over in pain. Joe looked like he was gonna pass out. The other line up went Aron, Trevor, James and Aleksandr.

my heart dropped at the sight of him. for once since this whole thing started, the apocalypse that is, he looked terrified. He looked at Negan like he was a lost puppy getting abused.

"I'm gonna have to kill one of you."

Whatever strength I had left was gone and I was now quietly weeping.

"How about you?", he pointed the bat called Lucille at Trevor. "you look like shit!" Trevor is sick from God knows what. He went to go swing and James jumped in.


Negan put the bat down and everyone took a deep breath. Negan smirked and went over to James.

"oh, shut up ring leader. you don't know shit"

I looked at Aleks who was now stating back at me. I mouthed 'I love you' and he mouthed back 'I love you too'

"I'VE GOT AN IDEA" Negan chuckled.

he started on James 'eenie' and made his way around with the children's song.

'If he hollers, let em go'

I was sweating like balls and the tears just were streaming down my face. my eyes were on Aleksandr the whole time.

'and you are


I sobbed as it landed on Aleksandr. "no, please no!" Aleks looked at me and said I love you again.

I was sobbing as I looked at James. his best friend and my boyfriend. he's gonna be dead.

his brown eyes filled with fear as Negan brought up the bat.


was the sound it made against his skull.

"ALEKS!" Surprised my body had not been limp on the ground at this point.

the blood dripped down his head and he wobbled back and forth.

"taking it like a champ!" Negan explained as he went in for the kill.

I turned away as my boyfriends brains were fucking splattered on the ground. his beautiful face never to be seen again. his voice and humor never to be heard again.

I sobbed and sobbed until I couldn't anymore, only because I was about to pass out. the saviours let us be. to say goodbye to what's left of my ALEKS.

"im sorry.... I'm so fucking sorry!" I held onto his hand and sobbed into his blood covered shirt. I traced his tattoos, the unfinished one and the finished one. "I love you so goddamn much."

I took off the necklace and ring he wore everyday, gave James the ring and put on the necklace and just went numb.

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