Cracks .spencer

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Your POV

"JORDAN!" I laughed at Jordan throwing eggs at Spencer.

"What in the world are you doing to my boyfriend?" I walked further down the hall and saw there was plastic on the walls and the fall and there was Mr.Lovell, in the middle with a basketball hoop on his head.

"Jordan thought it'd be an EGG-cellent idea to do this. I just joined in and Alex filmed" Dan laughed at his own pun and explained. I waved at the camera and then turned back at my boyfriend.

"Just don't hurt him! Kinda love him"

They laughed and Spencer pouted at my joke as another egg was thrown at him.

I walked to Spencer little desk and spun around in the chair.

His phone went off and me being the great love I am decided to check.

Not weird.

the contact read weird name.


Unique but whatever.

'can't wait to see you tonight ;)'

My heart started racing. Was spencer cheating on me?

I started to read more of the text and it was how their night was and what they could do next.

I felt myself get dizzy and start to panic.

"No!" Is all I repeated as I threw the phone at the chair.

I looked at the phone like it destroyed my whole life.

"Babe?," I started panicking more then my anger settled in.

Spencer entered the room and he had wet hair from I guess cleaning up.

His face got more and more concerned as he got closer to me. He reached out is hand and I swatted it away.

"Don't fucking touch me!" I screamed. By now anyone that was in the office today was in the ballpen.

"What did I do? I'm-"

"The eggs aren't the only thing that got cracked today. Bye Spencer."


A/N: this sucked. Whoops sorry ?!

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