City of Ocala.

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Hello everyone. This is the first story I ever wrote, and it's a little odd. I see a lot of people reading it, and I want to tell you about my new story called "Don't Get Too Close". I also have "Best Friends With Jeremy McKinnon" and "The Framing". Please read those after this.

I wasn't used to waking up this late for school. In Baltimore I had to get up at five am for school and here I get to wake up at 6:45. It felt pretty good to sleep in a little. Even though I had been a little deprived of it, I was pretty nervous of going to a new school and having to find new friends. We weren't the family that moved around a lot. My old house burned down so we moved here to get closer to family.

"Sweetie you have to get ready." My mom knocks on my door and tries to get me up for school.

Ugh, I miss summer already. Oh well.

I got up and put on the clothes I laid out last night. I hated showering in the mornings so I always did it right before bed. I had on a doctor who shirt from comic con, blue jeans and a pair of black vans. Along with a friendship bracelet my friend Norrie in Baltimore gave me before I left. I envied them because they still have two weeks left of summer.

There was no point in whining unless I wanted to walk 1000 miles back home.

Downstairs was breakfast. There were omelets on a plate which were for me. I sat down and ate them and got a glass of orange juice. My cranky dad sat across the table from me reading the newspaper and drinking coffee. They both had this office job and were always out when I lived in Maryland but they promised to be here for me now.

I finished my breakfast and I looked at the clock and I had to go. I grabbed my bag and left for the bus.

"Cassidy! Do you remember where the bus stop is?" My mom shouts before I leave the house.

"Yeah mom, it's down the street and on the right."

I closed the front door and walked towards the bus stop. There wasn't anyone there and I was either too late or too early. It would suck so much if I missed the bus on the first day of school. I felt relief when someone else arrived and some more people after them, actually a lot of people. So many people were at this bus stop.

About three minutes later a bus comes to our stop and picks us up. I get on and sit at the first seat that was empty. There were a few more stops after me and at the last one only a few kids got on. I was hoping no one would sit next to  me cause I didn't feel like being very social but my prayers came to a hault when some kid with a full out beard stands right in front of me.

I was pretty scared, I had no idea who this kid was or what he wanted or if this was his seat. Well I didn't see anyone's name on it so he better not throw a fit.

"Hey, uh can I sit here?" He says and points to the empty space next to me.

I didn't want to be rude and it looked like there were no other options for him to sit anywhere.

"Yeah sure." I said with a smile.

He was quiet and had his headphones in. I wish I brought mine. Music would be a whole lot better than awkward silence.

The bus driver comes to a stop and I look out the window and realize where I am. My new school. It was pretty big but not as big as my old school.

The kids sitting in front of me got off first and I followed. I got off and felt the hot sun on myself. I guess wearing pants was not my brightest moment. Whatever, I just won't go outside.

My school schedule came in the mail yesterday so I already had it and didn't have to go to the main office and get it.

My homeroom and first period class was in room 2319. Lol 2319! We have a 2319! Like monsters inc.

I chuckle to myself.

As more and more people get off of busses and leave their cars they start gathering into their groups. The guy who sat next to me on the bus went over and was sitting on a bench with four other people. Everyone walked past them and didn't recognize their existence.

Whatever, I was going to have enough trouble finding out where room 2319 was.

I go in to the building through the main office and into a main hallway. The school was basically one hallway with other smaller hallway's going off of it.

At the top of each one were lables like "500's" and "400's" but no "2300's" ugh this was so frustrating.
I walk down to the end and there was a staircase and on the sides were signs saying "Room 2000 through 2400's up here." So I guess this is where I was supposed to go.

At the top I found my hallway and it was the 19th classroom down it. I go in and see there were already a few kids here. Probably ones with no life considering school didn't start until 8:00 and it was 7:48.

I find a seat with my name on an envelope. In it was a map of the school, a second copy of my schedule, locker number and combination and a bunch of legal documents my parents needed to sign.

Two more girls come in and sit next to me. I guess they were friends because they were talking pretty loudly to each other. They look at me and sneer and turn back around. Well two can play at that game.

A few more kids walk in and so does the kid from the bus. The one with a beard. He didn't look too friendly but I still wanted to be friends with him.

He walks past the girls who came in before me and they trip him. He catches his fall and gets in a seat behind me.

"Hey!" I say and quickly regret it.  "What's your problem? What did he ever do to you?"

Every pair of eyeballs in the room turn to me, including the teacher's. I wanted to stop existing and just go home. I could feel my face turning into a nice shade of red. Stupid white people problems, always blushing!

Eventually the awkward level room goes from a 10 back to a nice and easy 1.

"Hey, thanks. No one here ever sticks up for me." He said.

"I just hate it when people are rude. Especially for no reason."

He smiled and I was glad to probably made his day.  "Hey my name is Jeremy, Jeremy McKinnon." he says and puts his hand out.

I shake it and introduce myself,  "I'm Cassidy, Cassidy Norwood."

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