Last day, again.

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"Happy day before spring break." Jeremy hugged me.

"Yeah I know, just seven more periods and one lunch shift left and we'll be out of this dump for two whole weeks." I said.

You see here, I may hate living in this dumb town but their spring break is way longer than the one in Maryland and I am not a complainer.

History started out dull, we just took notes but he eventually was over and let us turn around in our seats and talk to people.

"God I'm so bored." I said and turned around to face Jeremy.

"Yeah, me too. But this class goes by rather quickly cause its first period."

"It still doesn't go by fast enough." I said.

"Yeah that's true."

I spent the rest of class staring at the ceiling and tapping my fingers on my desk.

I walked into drama and sat next to Josh in the auditorium because we were going to watch the advanced class do one acts.

The lights dimmed and a few people walked out on stage.

I was resting my eyes because today was just a participation day. Basically showing up and not breaking anything got you an A.

The audience applauded when it was over and the lights were on temporarily as the next group was about to perform.

I paid attention to them because my teacher sat down behind me and I'd get in trouble for falling asleep.

It was about a guy who was going insane in a mental hospital and everyone else around him wasn't noticing him because he was actually dead.

"Well that was cheerful." I said to Josh.

A bunch more groups went on and performed. It was fun I guess. Better than doing anything in any of my other classes.

The last few minutes we spent putting every prop back to where it belonged in the storage closet.

"This room is a fire waiting to happen." I said. I noticed things piled high to the top of the room and stuff was all over the floor.

I grabbed my stuff and met up with Neil on our way to chemistry. Which I enjoyed a little bit. I know Jeremy hates the sub because he wants to do work but I like her. She's really funny and personable once you get to know her.

"Ok guys I passed out the work and all you have to do is complete it by the end of class."

Neil and I worked hard on stuff about the periodic table.

"Done." I said an slammed my pencil on the lab table.

"Can you hand this in for me? Neil asked and handed me his sheet of paper.

"What am I? Your slave?" I asked.

"Cassidy!" He whined.

"Ugh fine you big baby." I went up to her desk and handed in our work.

"Thanks." He said as I sat back in my seat.

I drew a little bit more in my notebook on an old project I stopped working on two years ago because I lost inspiration.

English was my next class and also the only other class I have with a tolerable teacher. Even though ever since the day we played music in class he has been acting odd.

"Guys I don't have any work for you to do in here. All I have is this packet that I want you to complete over break but you can start it now if you want to."

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