Meet the gang

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I smiled at the thought of making a new friend. Jeremy seemed cool and it bothered me so much that no one else saw that in him.

It was eight o'clock and the homeroom bell rang. The teacher started calling off names from his attendence sheet and that was pretty much that. That's all homeroom ever is, just attendence and talking with friends.

I turn around and face Jeremy. "Hey do you have first period in here too?"

He patted his pockets for his scheduel and found it. "Yeah I do."

"Cool me too." he smiled.

The bell rang for homeroom to be over and most of the class got up and left. Within a few minutes more and more people started coming in and sitting down.

One of the last kids to come in was in Jeremy's group this morning so I guess they were friends.

"Hey, Neil this is Cassidy." He says and introduces me to him. "Cassidy, this is Neil."

He sits down next to Jeremy and says hello to me. A couple of the other kids in here were starring at me, probably wondering what the heck I was doing.

The bell rings and the teacher, Mr. Mitchell hands out a syllabus and a list of materials you will need for this class.

What class was this again? I look around the room and see a bunch of historical posters so I guess it was history.

The teacher was young. He was white and had short hair and wore glasses. This was probably his first year teaching.

He starts talking about what he expects us to do and he eventually hands out an "All about you" paper that most teachers do. Every year is the same, they give you these papers, they don't read them and then they give them back.

A paper appears on my desk and I write my name at the top followed by the date and class period.

"Question 1: What did you do this summer?"

Why did he care?

I put down that I moved here and started answering different questions.

I feel a tap on my back and I see Neil turning his paper into a paper airplane and Jeremy wanting me to look at something.

"Look at number 12." He said.

"Number 12: Do you value other people's oppinions?"

Why would he care? Anyways, no I couldn't care less what other people think, and I put that down too. I wanted to be an honest person.

I move along and came across to the "What is your favorite type of music?" question.

My favorite band is Imagine Dragons and Fall Out Boy so I put those two down. Idk I never really listened to any other bands. Maybe a few Paramore songs but that was it. During my 7th grade emo phase I listened to a lot of death music and screamo but now it really isn't my thing.

The timer went off which meant we had to turn in our papers.

"Hey, Jeremy when does this class end?"

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