Concert part two

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We sit in silence at our lunch table waiting for the bell to ring and for me to go upstairs to my math class. I leave
the cafeteria and throw my empty bottle of water into the recycling bin at the door. I walk down the main hallway and up a flight of stairs.

I walk in the classroom and notice the teacher moved the desks around. Instead of them being in rows like they were before they were now in tables. I looked around too see if she put up a seating chart but she didn't. I see Jeremy sitting alone at a table close to the window. I of course go over there and sit next to him.

"Hey." I said and pulled out a chair next to him.

"Did you finish the homework for this class?" He asked me.

I sigh and take it out of my folder and let him copy it, "Hurry up the bell is about to ring."

"Almost done, here." he hands me back the paper.

The teacher walks in and closes the door behind her. She comes around and collects our homework, "Mr. McKinnon, I see you did your homework for once, I'm impressed. Keep it up."

We both snicker when she turned her back to us. She finishes collecting homework and passes out a paper about the Pythagorean theorem which we learned about last class. Well everyone else learned it, in Maryland we did this in the ninth grade.

She gives me a paper and I wrote my name and the date at the top. I read over the first few questions and answer them and look over at Jeremy who was FINISHED with his paper.

"Well for someone who literally never pays attention you sure know how to do this." I say.

"I probably have it all wrong but then again, I really don't give a fuck." he says and turns in his paper. I look at mine which had three unanswered questions. I read over one and look back at my notes to see how to do it.

Once I finish I turn in my paper and go back to my seat. The bell rings and I walk down the hall to my art class. To my surprise the teacher was actually sitting at her desk. She hasn't been here before the bell rang all year.

I make my way to my seat and sit down. I look in front of me and there was a blank canvas and expired paint at the bottom.

Kevin and Alex were goofing off in the back like they always do. As long as you didn't blow anything up or if you weren't being too loud the teacher never spoke a word to us. This had become the most famous class for people to ditch because the teacher never marks people absent or tardy. There were supposed to be 21 kids in this class but I look around the room and count 11. Ten kids were skipping.

I get out my art notebook and work on the space painting some more. I draw out this planet and it had an asteroid crashing into it.

Then I broke my pencil. I look around the room to see if there was a sharpener but this damn teacher was too cheap to buy one for us. Whatever I'll just wait for gym.

The bell rings and I gather my stuff. The teacher left like ten minutes before class ended. I go downstairs and head towards the gym. I walk up the bleachers and sit alone at the very top. Josh was sitting to the bleachers next to me but we weren't allowed to talk because we weren't in the same class so I just wave hello.

Gym was pretty boring. I couldn't draw anything because my pencil was broken and there weren't any pencil sharpeners in here. I sat up there and was looking down at everyone.

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