Two years later

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So it's been two whole years since graduation. It's 2018 right now, A Day to Remember has released an album titled And Their Name Was Treason, and are slowly becoming more and more popular. And I have been here every step of the way. Even right now, looking out on the largest crowd I've seen yet. And the guys are going wild because of it.

"Kiss me good luck." Jeremy said. I kissed him on the lips before him and everyone else went out on stage. I heard the crowd cheer really loud and the start of You Should've Killed Me When You Had the Chance.

A lot of the people in the crowd including myself knew every lyric. I sang along from back stage while everyone sang along up front.

In the middle of the performance they quickly went back here to get some water before returning on stage and finishing up. I sat from the back entrance and watched the crowd. I saw a lot of people crowd surfing which was really cool.

Once they finished, Jeremy invited me on stage like he always did. A lot of his fans knew my face. They all cheered and went wild when he kissed me in front of them, again like he always does.

"Who is up for pizza?" Jeremy asked everyone. After each performance we always went out to eat. Usually it was some place cheap.

I was definitely living the life.

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