Christmas break.

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I woke up at like seven this morning. We had a flight to catch at eleven and my parent always have to be super early to airports. The month of December was pretty bland. It got a little colder out but not nearly as bad as Maryland. Jeremy and I, I think were just remaining friends. That kiss only happened once and niether of us talked about it.

Yep, you guessed it. I was flying back to Baltimore for Christmas. I never told Norrie and I was planning on surprising her at her house.

I get my suitcase and roll it down the stairs and load it into the back of the taxi that was waiting in front of my house. The distance to the airport wasn't very long and it would only be like a four hour flight.

"Cassidy, grab my wallet on the kitchen table." my mom said.

"Sure." I say and walk back into the house and found her wallet sitting on the table. "Here you go."

"Thank you sweetie."

We all get in the extremley cramped taxi car and he takes us to the airport.

I was sitting into my moms elbow and she looked rather uncomfortable. She always tried to make the best of things regardless.

"So are you looking forward to being in Maryland again?" she asks.

"Yeah. I like it here but Baltimore will always be my home."

"Maybe we'll go to the aquarium. We haven't been there in ages."

"That sounds like it would be a lot of fun." I say.

The car pulls in to this huge parking lot and you could see planes taking off. We get let off at the front door and we go in and my dad orders plane tickets for all of us.

"Have a nice flight." the lady says.

"You too, wait no you're not flying. Have a nice day." My dad said. He looked pretty embarrassed.

The lady pointed us into the direction we needed to go to get checked. I take off my shoes and put them in this bin. The guy waves his hand for me to come through and I walk in this huge thing where they looked to make sure I wasn't carrying a bomb or anything.

I get out and a guard stops me,  "Mam you're going to have to discard of this nail cutter." He says and hands it to
me. I give him a funny look and just throw it in the bin.

I get my bin, sit on a bench and put my shoes back on. We were in terminal 17B and had to find wherever the heck that was.

It was now like nine thirty and we got to wait in the lobby for like another hour and a half. I was the one who found 17B and sat at a chair closest to the door. There was a plane in our terminal that was going to New Orleans. After it took off it would be empty until our flight.

I take out my phone and played Uma Thurman from Fall Out Boy. It was my favorite song of theirs.

"Flight 221 now boarding. Flight 221 now boarding." A lady said who was working the entrance. I get up and hand her my ticket and she lets me on the thingy that connects the building to the plane.

Once I got on I went close to an emergency exit and sat by the window next to my dad and my mom was somewhere on the other side. I didn't know where.

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