This place sucks

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I've been in school now for two weeks. The entire process has been very stressful. I only talk to the same five people every day. Usually I talk to Jeremy but his friends are cool too. Violet has tempted to talk to me numerous amounts of time by now, but I always just shut her down.

Today was a Monday, and like all Mondays, I wake up really tired. I heard my alarm go off and hit cancel. I got up and got dressed and went downstairs. Both of my parents have to be at work by seven so I never see them when I wake up, but they're always here when I get home. I don't have any brothers or sisters so I was used to being alone in the mornings.

I pour myself a bowl of cinnamon toast crunch and a glass of milk. I look at the clock above the stove and it was already 7:10. I went to the bus stop at 7:30.

I really had nothing better to do. Norrie, my old friend from Baltimore texts me,"Ugh Cassidy it's the first day of school." I read it in her whiney voice.

"LOL I've been doing it now for two whole weeks, anyway good luck and I hope you don't have Ms. Earnshaw again."

It was now 7:15 and in Baltimore, school had already begun. I didn't miss getting up at five.I put this chemistry project in my bag along with a few other stuff. We had to do an essay on To Kill a Mockingbird. I already did one last year so I was just going to turn the same one in. I went into my basement which was where my printer was and grabbed it.The only other thing I needed was this script for drama. Other than that I was all set for the day.

I put my bag over my shoulder and leave a little early. It was 7:25 so I was just going to walk slow. I brought my phone and headphones today to listen to music. I put them in and play Fall Out Boy songs. I wasn't much of a fan of driving in Kevin's van because of the music he played. But whatever.

I forgot how much of a short walk it was to get to my bus stop so I knew I was going to be standing here forever. I wasn't the first one there. Some guy who was in my gym class was standing there texting someone. I walk over and stand off to the side which is where I usually do.Eventually the bus comes and I get on. I go to my seat and wait to get to school.We get to school but Jeremy wasn't on the bus so I figured Kevin drove him here.I was right because they were standing where they always stood in the morning. I never hung out with them at this time. Usually I just went to my locker and to homeroom.

I walk into my homeroom class and sat down at my seat. I drummed my fingers on my desk as more and more kids came in. I was never the first one here to arrive but when I did there were only like two kids in here. I waited for Jeremy to arrive. He came in and sat behind me like always.

"Hey." I said. "What's up?"He asked.

"Nothing, today would be my first day if I still lived in Maryland."

"Sucks to be them."

The bell rings at the stupid teacher takes roll. The bell rings again and I stay in the same seat.Neil walks in and sits next to Jeremy and the teacher hands out this quiz we were taking today. And of course I forgot to study for it. I quickly take out my notes and scan through them until he comes by and tells me to put them away.I read the first question which was "What year was America established?"

"C. 1776." I actually knew that one.I knew the test was on basic American knowledge which I knew most about. It was dumb questions like "What state last joined the union?" which was Hawaii.I flipped the paper over signaling that I was done and he came by and collected it. I looked around and everyone was still working which meant I was really smart or really dumb.

The quiz took most of the class and I had to make my way to drama. In that class we worked on our scripts and then took a short quiz. I now had to go to chemistry. I went in and sat next to Neil like I always did. The class wasn't full yet, we had about three minutes until the bell rang again.

I was sitting there next to Neil and we were minding our own business when some guy came over to him. I had seen him before and I think he was dating Violet which was not a good sign.He came over and grabbed Neil by the collar. I could tell he wanted to punch him, Neil grabs his arm and pushes him away and that's when the teacher came running in acting like a hero.

He gets Neil and tells him to go to the principal's office but of course my big mouth had to say something, "You can't do that, it wasn't Neil's fault it was his." I say and point my finger at that douchebag.

"No it wasn't me I swear." He exclaims.

I nearly had it with this place.

"Ok that's it, you too young lady. Go down with Mr. Westfall over here to the principal's office."


I grab my bag and follow him out the door. The hallway was empty and I had no idea where the principal's office was.I follow Neil, "Hey Neil, why wouldn't he trust you?"

"I have no idea, I always get in trouble but it's never my fault. Teachers only believe the liars."

I could see that he was hurt and all I wanted to do was help him but there was nothing I could do.

This place sucks.

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