Chapter 3

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My fourth period class was English. No one from "the gang" was in it so I was in it by myself. The teacher was going on and on about some book we were supposed to read over the summer but I was excused from doing it because I wasn't here last year.

I tapped the desk as he started coming around passing out a book.

"To Kill a Mockingbird." Was placed in front of me. I had already read it.

The teacher told us that he had nothing else for us to do so we could have some free time while we waited for lunch. Kids took out their phones and started up conversations. Of course no one wanted to talk to me, the new girl.

The lunch bell rang and I decided to find my loocker before I went to the cafeteria. It was number 1464, and because it started with a 1, it was on the first floor.

I was the last to leave. I went out the "300's" hallway and tried to find my locker.

Eventually, after wondering around for twenty minutes I found it. I took out the slip of paper from this morning with my locker combination on it. 40-8-26 was written on it. I put it in and it opened. I put my first through forth period stuff in there because I was getting tired of carrying it.

By the time I got to the cafeteria there was only seven minutes left of lunch. Whatever, I wasn't hungry anyway. I look around and try to find anyone I knew and spotted Jeremy and his group of friends sitting outside on the courtyard.

I open the doors and sit down.

"Oh Cassidy, good you finally found us." Jeremy said. "This is Kevin and Alex."

"Hey." They both said.

"Finding you was easy, finding my damn locker was next to impossible."

Someone sitting at the table behind us said "Oh that poor girl." And pointed to me. These people were starting to drive me insane.

"Have the people here always been this mean?" I ask.

"Yeah, it's gotten to the point where their soul purpose of coming to school is to make our lives a living hell." Kevin said. I could tell they hated it here from what I've heard.

"Nothing like this would ever happen where I'm from."

"Where are you from?" Jeremy asked.

"Baltimore." I was starting to miss it there already. "One time at my old school, this kid used to come in and pick on everybody until one day these kids got fed up, so they peed on their food and when he tried to steal it they let him. Needless to say he never bothered anyone ever again."

"That's sick, but he had it coming. What happened to him?" Alex said.

"I have no idea, they probably got expelled or something."

"Well it serves him right."

The bell rings and I look at my scheduel to see what my next class was. It was in room 2202. I get up and follow everyone leaving the cafeteria. I guess in all the comotion I lost Jeremy.

I make my way upstairs and into the 2200's hallway. I was actually getting the hang of this school. I open the door and see that the teacher put a seating chart on the board and I was to sit in the back.

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