Back to school.

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Today was the first day back to school. It was the beginning of April now and it was getting really warm outside too which I was not enjoying very much.

I walked in the doors that lead out to the courtyard to eat lunch outside. It was overcast so it wasn't that hot.

"Hey guys how's everyone's first day back?" I sat down.

"Pretty shit. It sucks even more that it's a Monday." Kevin said.

"Yeah that's true. But it's finally the beginning of the end of the school year." I said.

We ate lunch and Josh and Kevin talked about the concert they had last Friday which I was definitely there for. They have been writing songs like crazy and I downloaded each one on my phone.

"Ew I have to go to Spanish next." Josh said.

"Why did you take another year of Spanish? I was so done with it after I was a sophomore." I said.

"You have to take it at least three years in high school here and last year we had a really cool Spanish teacher so a ton of people decided to take it again but now there's a new one and she totally sucks." He said.

"Oh yeah back in Baltimore we had a Spanish teacher who really just yelled at us for 45 minutes and gave us a ton of homework."

"That's basically what she does. Maybe they're related."

"Yeah maybe." I said.

Justin and his friends were picking on a bunch of kids on the bleachers. That reminded me of what happened back in Maryland when those kids peed on their food and gave it to the bullies. That was hilarious.

"So do teachers ever notice what Justin does to everyone else?" I asked.

"No. And even if they did they wouldn't do anything about it." Jeremy said. "And he doesn't just do it to anybody. He only does it to people he thinks deserves it."

"Someday he'll get what he deserves."

"One can only hope." Neil said.

The bell rang and Jeremy went to the bathroom so I just went to fifth period alone. I walked in, sat down and the bell rang again but there was no sign of Jeremy anywhere.

I sneak out my phone and send him a text.

"Hey where are you?"

"I ditched. I just didn't feel like going to math."

"Lucky I wish I was with you."

"I wish you were here too."

I slid my phone back in my purse and just did the notes and handed in my study guide for the test tomorrow.

I attempted the class work. I had an A some how in the class last quarter so I must have been getting what was going on. Which was shocking because before this year my highest grade in math would have been a high C.

Once that class was over I headed across the hall and went to art. The teacher wasn't here and there wasn't a sub or anything. Sort of like the beginning of the year when we didn't do anything.

I doodled in my book and talked to Alex and Kevin for a while.

After art was seventh period. End of the day already. Thank god.

I went into the locker room and changed into my clothes. This spring break was the first time I washed them all year. Yes I know it's gross but fight me.

I walked out to the bleachers and waited for the coach to arrive. When she did she told us we could have a free day and we could choose to go outside and walk around the track or stay inside and play soccer with the Juniors. I chose to go outside and walk.

I met up with Josh as we got to the football field.

"Hey." I said.

"What's up?" He asked.

"Nothing much just avoiding Violet so same as always. What's up with you?"

"Literally nothing my life is so freaking boring."

"Well now that I'm here I can make it a thousand times better."

Josh laughed. "You're pretty funny. No I mean you're just funny not pretty. Wait no, you are pretty, well you're- I'm stupid." He stopped himself before he could sound more like an idiot.

"I know I'm pretty I'm the sexiest motherfucker on the planet." He laughed.

We walked around the field about six or seven times. We joked and talked. I could see why Jeremy and him were friends.

The coach blew her whistle and yelled at everyone to get inside. I looked up and it looked like it was about to rain but rain in Florida only lasted a few minutes.

"Ok well I will see you tomorrow." I said and went into the locker room to change out of my ugly clothes into my regular ones. I was wearing my new We Came As Romans shirt I got over spring break at the mall.

Once I was about done changing I was still in the locker room when the bell rang. I went to my really locker to get my shit and put it in my bag and headed to the bus lot.

I got on and meat up with Jeremy. "Hey." I said as I sat down.


"Hey do you want to come over to my house?"

"Yeah sure I have a shit ton of homework to do. We can do it at your house."

I waited for the bus to get to my stop before the both of us got off. I saw my parents cars in the driveway so that meant that they were home.


I open the gate and Jeremy and I walk into the house. My dad was in the computer and my mom must have been upstairs maybe taking a nap or something I don't know.

"Ok so let's start out with math." I said.

"I wasn't there I don't have the homework for it."

"Yes you do the teacher told me to hand this to you." I held him the sheet of paper we had to do. "We also have a test tomorrow."

"Ugh fine let's get started then."

We work on the homework. Well I did, Jeremy copied my answers. At least this time I could say that they were right.

We move on to our only other class that we have together. History. We had to do a packet in westward expansion in the late 1800s.

We did finish and it was getting darkish outside. My mom still hadn't come downstairs which was odd and my dad, naturally was still on the computer. Probably not having an idea that anyone was home but that was everyday.

I walked Jeremy home. Which was kind of odd because usually the guy walks the girl home. But fuck your gender stereotypes.

"I had a good spring break. Too bad it's all over now." I said.

"Yeah I wish that I would never have to go back to school again. Luckily we have like two months left." He said.

"Yeah and I get to see the guys everyday which is cool."

We finished the walk to bus doorstep, he kissed me goodbye and I walked home all by myself but I didn't mind.

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