Invitation and rumours.

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I found Jeremy sitting in his seat in homeroom looking unusually happy.

"What's up?" I asked as I placed my stuff on the desk and sat down in front of him.

"Nothing much I just had a question for you."

"Ok shoot." I said.

"So in a few weekends my family is going down to the keys to see my other family and I was going to invite you."

"Yeah sure I guess I'll go, are you sure it's ok with your family though?"

"Yeah Violet brings her slutty boyfriends on all of our trips. You're actually a decent person so."

"Thanks I try."

I sat back around in my seat. The teacher took attendance and everyone but Violet was here.

"Where's Violet?" I asked.

"She's at home with the flu."

"Well that serves her right."

We waited for the class to fill up with the first period students. Neil came in and gave us each a fist bump and sat down.

I took out my homework which I let Jeremy copy on the bus ride and turned it in.

He ranted a power point at us and gave us a review because we were going to have a quiz when we get back on Monday.

I turned around in my seat and faced Neil and Jeremy.

"So like what does your family do on these vacations?"

"Well usually we drive down on a three day weekend, stay at my grandparents house and my cousins come over. It's a bunch of barbecue and cookouts and stuff. My grandparents live along the water and they have a boat which my male cousins and I always go on. But you're my girlfriend so you're invited too."

"Ok I'll ask my mom cause she likes you and she'll say yes. She loves it when I get out of the house."

"Your dad doesn't like me?" He asked.

"I don't even think he's ever met you. Come to think about it."

"Yeah I guess you're right."

"I'm always right." I said and he laughed.

The bell rang and I had to go to drama so I said goodbye to Neil and Jeremy and headed downstairs and all the way across the school. This was probably my longest walk of the day.

Once I do arrive I sit down with Josh and some other dude.

"Any idea what we're doing today?" I asked and sat down.

"No clue." Josh said.

About two minutes after the bell rang the teacher walked in. This was my favorite class along with my favorite teacher.

"Good morning take out your notebooks I just want to review some stuff before we begin." She said.

I took out my yellow notebook with Jeremy's signature on it and turned to where we left off yesterday. It was finally Friday. I thought this week was going to go on forever and ever.

"Ok so I want everyone to pick a partner and we're going to go onto the catwalk and work on the lights."

"Catwalk?" Josh asked me.

"Yeah it's the long walkway close to the ceiling. You have to climb a ladder to get to it."

I had never been on the catwalk before but I did know where the ladder for it was.

One by one we climb it and eventually we were at the top. I'm very surprised that no one was complaining about it. Even heights freak me out a little bit.

Josh and I worked on the first couple of lights by replacing the bulbs and re placing in the correct color filters. After we were done the teacher let us go back down and wait in her classroom.

"That was pretty fun." I said to Josh.

"Yeah. I like how she trusts us in here alone."

"Yeah I mean what are we going to do in here anyway? There's nothing to break."

A few more kids came in and looked at us weird. I didn't know why but I'll just shrug it off.

The bell rang now for chemistry. I had this class with Neil.

I sat down in my seat and waited for Neil to get his slow ass here. He was always first.

He sat down and the teacher handed us a sheet of work paper like always. Jeremy was right, she's a terrible teacher.

I finished it in under thirty minutes and Neil and I talked for the rest of class. Neil was acting a bit off too.

"Hey is everything okay?" I asked.

"Oh yeah I guess. It's just, there is a rumor going around the school."

"What rumour?" I asked.

"That Kevin and I have STDs and gave it to Jeremy, Alex, Josh and you."

"What!?" I said. "How could I have not heard of these things?"

"I don't know I only heard it from a few people." He said.

That explains why everyone was giving us dirty looks in drama.

"Why would someone do that?" I asked.

"Cause no one around here can accept the fact that some people are gay and some people are not."

"Ugh that sucks so much. How is Kevin doing?"

"He should be fine I only saw him this morning and in homeroom."

"God why is everyone in this dumb town such a fucking moron?" I asked.

"I wish I had an answer but I don't."

The bell for fourth period rang and caught me off guard. I grabbed my stuff and headed towards English where I had still managed to not make a single friend and now the entire school thinks that I am infected. Wonderful.

I sat down and covered my face as people walked in the room and took their seats. The people at my table were relatively quiet so I really had nothing much to worry about in this class.

The teacher made us take notes the entire class and then gave us our homework. He said that we could finish it in here if we wanted to, and of course I did not so I waited quietly for the lunch bell to ring.

Once it did I pushed through all the stares and hurtful comments. It has never gotten this bad before. I didn't know how fast tumors could spread.

I got to the courtyard and everyone was sitting here.

I sat down. I didn't say a word. It was until 15 minutes into lunch that someone did.

"Well this sucks." Alex said.

"Yeah it does. It's never been this bad for me." I said.

"Honestly don't think it has been for any of us." Jeremy said.

Justin wasn't around. Maybe he was too scared cause he knows that Jeremy would kick his ass once he sees him. And I'm not going to try and stop him this time.

I ate my lunch quietly and so did everyone else. People would stare at us like we were freaks. I went to math and didn't really talk much for the rest of the day. I really just stayed silent and wished it would all go away.

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