Songs that save, English project.

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Jeremy's POV

I was walking down the hall, heading towards my English class where I could hang out with Josh and Kevin like I do every day.

"Hey guys." I say as I take my usual seat.

"What's up." Kevin asked.

I shrugged, "Nothing interesting."

The bell rings, the teacher walks in and starts lecturing us about music, which was different.

"Music is an interesting topic. Never once in my life have I ever encountered someone who didn't like it. I've met people who don't listen to it, but never someone who generally hates it."

"Where is he going with this?" Josh asked me and I shrugged.

"I would like each and everyone of you, to bring in a song. I want to play this song in front of the class so we can all see how many different types of music that there are. All I ask is that the song has lyrics that are school appropriate. You will have the weekend to go home and select one."

Kevin, Josh and I look around at each other. We were all thinking the same thing.

"Which one of our songs are we going to bring in?" I asked.

"Dead and buried." Josh said.

"I don't think that one is finished yet is it?" I asked.

"Yeah we finished tracking the drums yesterday it's all good to go." Kevin said.

I was looking forward to this, showing the people our music. Probably making them hate us more but who cares, I graduate in two months anyway.

I spend the rest of class daydreaming about class on Monday and seeing the looks on people's faces when they find out that not only do we listen to this kind of music, but we also write it too.

The bell for fourth period catches me off guard and my stuff was still scattered across my desk.

I walk into chemistry and sit down next to Justin's friend who's name I will never know and never care about.

The teacher handed us our work to be completed today which was just a piece of paper with stuff on the front and back.

I was done with my work long before the bell rang. Other kids were getting out of their seats and hanging out with friends or sitting on the lab tables. Not me. I had no friends to do that with.

I say with my head down and my music playing loudly in my ears to block out all of the jack asses surrounding me.

I was scrolling through my Instagram page which was filled with a bunch of band posts and videos of people dancing to screamo.

Also vines involving pugs because I love them and I am getting one when I'm older.

"Your music is too loud, you're making me go deaf." Some blonde girl said to me after poking me on my shoulder.

"My condolences." I said and turned it up. I could hear a faint screech like I just pissed her off.

She walks away and I turned my music back down a little because it was getting too loud and I do enjoy hearing things.

I scroll though Instagram a little longer and then the bell for lunch rang and everyone got up out if their seats.

I went to my locker and met Cassidy along the way to the cafeteria like we always do.

"Hey." She said. "You'll never believe what we are doing in English class on Monday." She said.

"Picking out songs and showing them to the class?" I ask.

"Yeah how did you know?"

"Cause we have the same English teacher, I just have him third period."

"Oh ok then I guess you're gonna bring in one of your bands songs then?"

"Yeah we are." I said.

"Oh cool, which one?"

"Dead and buried."

"Oh I don't think  that I have heard that one yet."

"Probably not because we only just finished it yesterday. I can post it to our YouTube channel when I get home so you can listen to it."

"Okay that sounds cool."

We both sit down at our usual spot with Kevin and Neil who make the cutest couple.

"Hey guys." I said and sat down opening my bag of lunch I made this morning.

"What's up?" Neil asked us.

"Not much, in English we get to bring in a song and play it in front of the whole class so we're gonna choose one of ours." I said.

"Oh that's cool, which one are you going to choose,"

"Dead and buried and I'm posting it to YouTube tonight so Cassidy can listen to it."

"Alright well that sounds good."

"Yeah and I am really looking forward to hearing it." Cassidy said.

"I'm hoping it came out alright because I haven't heard it yet besides when we were recording in Kevin's basement." I said.

"Dude it's gonna be fine like it always is. We haven't hit a bump yet." Kevin said. I always enjoyed hearing his words of wisdom.


I was in my last class of the day which was my Spanish class. I have no idea why I took another year of a foreign language when I have enough credits to graduate.

The bell rings and am waiting outside on the bus for Cassidy to get on and go home.

"Hey." I said.

"What's up?"

"Not much, when I get home I have the video for it because Alex sent it to me earlier today and I'll post it to YouTube."

"Ok that sounds good and I can't wait to hear it. I love your songs you guys are my favorite band."

"Yeah I'm enjoying it a lot."

"Well that's good because I know it's something that you have been dreaming about for a long time now. And I love it when you're happy."

"And I love that what I do makes someone happy." I said.

Once I got home I went upstairs into my room which needed to be cleaned badly, and went on my phone. I logged into the adtr account and started uploading the video. This usually took some time because my phone is slow as fuck.

"Hey Cassidy I'm almost done posting the video." I texted her and waited for a response.

"Ok then tell me when I can listen to it."

I look at the loading bar at the top of the page and wait for it to reach the end so I could tell Cassy that she could listen to it.

Finally it was done and I texted her.

"Hey it's done, check the YouTube account."


I waited about four minutes for her response.

"Omg that was really good and I think that your English class will really enjoy listening to it."

"Yeah I hope they do, we put a lot of effort into it."

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