Making it.

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"Pencils down." my English teacher said. We were writing an essay comparing a story to a poem and I had been done for twenty minutes because they always give us way more time than we need to do this.

"Cassidy, can you collect the papers?"

I nod my head, grab my own paper and start walking around collecting everyone else's and returning to my seat.

For the remainder of class I stayed in my seat and doodled in my notebook. After the lunch bell rings Jeremy and I were going to go outside the auditorium to see if he made his audition, they were going to post the list any minute now.

The bell rings and I get up out of my seat going to meet Jeremy who was in the home economics room and we would walk to the auditorium.

"Do you think you made it?" I asked him walking out of his classroom.

"I don't know really, I didn't get to hear anyone else's audition so I don't know what I was competing against, anyway I am at least glad I signed up for it."

Jeremy held my hand and people gave us weird looks. We turned down to the hallway where the auditorium was and saw a couple others seeing if they made it. I saw a girl, probably a freshman crying and felt a little bad.

Him and I look at the sheet of paper taped on the wall and saw a bunch of names on it, my heart was racing because I wasn't seeing his.

"Do you see your name?" I ask.

"No do you."

I look a little harder and on the line second to the bottom was his name, "Dude you made it." I said and pointed my finger at his name.

He started smiling, like this really big dopey smile that gave me butterflies every time I saw it. "Congratulations."

"Ok well lets go to lunch." he said, took my arm and we walked down the hallway towards the cafeteria.

Once we walked in the doors we saw Neil, Alex, Josh and Kevin sitting at a table inside and met up with them there.

"Hey guys why aren't we sitting outside today?" I asked.

"Have you not looked outside today guys? Its pouring." Alex said.

I directed my head to a window that lead out to the courtyard and saw a bunch of raindrops falling and hitting the ground, that would be Florida for you.

"Oh well that sucks." Jeremy and I sat down, me next to Josh and Jeremy next to Neil and Kevin.

I open my bag and start eating my lunch, Jeremy was talking about how nervous he was that he wasn't going to make coffee house. All the guys congratulated him.

"Uhh oh guys here comes trouble." Kevin said. We looked at the door along with every other kid in the cafeteria and in walked Justin, oh good just the person we all wanted to see.

He sat down at a table relatively close to us but wasn't coming over here which was a good thing, seeing him reminded me of detention and that I had to go to it again today and for the next week which I was not looking forward to.

"Cassidy are you okay?" Jeremy asked me.

"Yeah I guess, its just too loud in here." I said.

"Do you want to go to the library where it is nice and quiet?"

"Yeah sure just let me get my stuff together."

Jeremy and I left the guys at the table and left heading towards the library. Inside was the librarian and a couple kids sitting at a computer working on a project.

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