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"Is everyone ready to leave?" Jeremy's mom asked us as we all stood in the driveway.

"Yeah." We all said.

Today was the day of the trip to the Keys. It was going to be really nice not having to deal with everyone in school. The only bright side is that now absolutely no one talks to me or gets near me. Maybe it was a blessing in disguise.

Jeremy's mom drives a mini van that has three rows of seats. Jeremy and I sat in the very back, Violet in the middle, his mom drove and his dad sat in the passenger seat up front.

"And we are off." His mom said and pulled out of the driveway and turned right.

"Your mom is such a fake nice person." I texted Jeremy.

"Yeah she's a total bitch when no one else is around."

"So Cassidy how are you doing in school?" His mom asked me.

I mean I couldn't really lie considering that my principal is in the passenger seat.

"Ok I guess. I get A's B's and C's."

She nodded in approval of what I said. His dad wasn't paying much attention to us and Violet had her headphones in and was tuning us all out.

Jeremy and I listened to music on his phone. We each had one earphone in.

"Oh this is my song." He said. Shake it off from Taylor Swift was playing and I gave him a questioning look.

"Ok Cassidy fight me I like this song and the album."

"You're weird." I said.


We listened to the rest of the song and continued to listen to the album until it ended.

We drove along the highway for a really long time. Everything was really quiet except for his music. I was taking a bunch of selfies on his phone and setting them as wallpapers and stuff. I also posted one to his Instagram.

I wasn't a big fan of long car rides. His parents were listening to some old music and Violet still hasn't said a word. I was not complaining.

We drove for a little while longer before passing a sign that said "This highway passes through Everglades National Park."

"Oh cool I've never been here before." I said to Jeremy.

"Yeah it's nothing that special. The highway only passes through it so you don't see much but swamps."

"Way to ruin my fun." I said.

"I try my best."

I punched him in his arm and decided to just stare out the window and look at everything we passed by.

Jeremy was right there really wasn't much to see. I saw a few alligators but that was it. We drove through Fort Lauderdale and down into Miami.

"All signs point to Lauderdale." I said.

"What?" He asked.

"Look around." I said. "Every single sign points to the direction of Fort Lauderdale."

"Oh yeah that's true. That would make a great song title."

"Ok but you have to give me credit for it because I came up with the idea."

"Ok I promise." He said.

We drove on the bridge that connected Miami Dade to the Florida keys.

"We're almost there." Jeremy said.

"Welcome to Key Largo Florida." The sign said.

His mom pulled into a small street and on the last house she pulled in. I saw an old lady walk out who I assumed was his grandmother.

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