Englsh project.

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Jeremy's POV

I waited in English for the bell to ring and for Josh and Kevin to arrive.

"Hey so the three of us are turning in the same song right?" Josh asked.

"Yeah he's allowing group choices." I said and they each sat down.

"Ok so I'm guessing that everyone has a song ready to go then?" The teacher stands up from his desk.

The class moans a very faint sound of "Yes."

"Ok good." He says. "Would any of yo like to go first?"

"I will." A guy raises his hand and says.

"Ok come up here and just type it into YouTube."

The song plays, I did not recognize it at all. It was some jumpy romance song with a very simple beat. Did not take a lot of talent to make that.

The class was ok with the song. It was pretty average, like any other song they play on the radio.

A girl and two of her friends volunteer to go up next.

They chose "Blank Space" by Taylor Swift.

I guess it could have been worse, I don't really mind her that much. Some of her music is catchy.

A few guys come up and chose the clean version to that "To the Windows to the walls" song which I did hate.

Everyone in the class knew every lyric and even sang the censored out words, but the teacher did nothing because they weren't actually a part of the song.

"Who wants to go now?" The teacher asked and Josh shyly raised his hand. Kevin shot him a glare.

"What guys I just want to get it over with."

"Ok so Jeremy and his band are going to go next."

Now is when I get nervous. I was nervous for what the teacher and everyone else was going to say after it was over.

Kevin types in our YouTube channel name instead of the song because it probably has like... Maybe 150 views and isn't really that popular.

"Alright, hit play." I said.

The room went silent.

The hardcore drums, bass and guitar filled the entire room, and then came my opening line.

"Let me find the way that I can make do.
Without circumstance, without follow through.
A man in desperation can't trust a troubled mind.
I'm building an empire, say I'm wrong.
I don't mind if it's all against one.
No room for weakness, I'll be gone forever."

I watch as the innocence of a lot of people leaves them.

"Dear mother, as this noose is placed around my neck.
I'm reflecting on these past few years I spent trying to forget.
I'm regretting all this time spent half the world away.
What will the children sing, what will the children sing,
When I'm dead and buried?
Dead and buried.
Dead and buried.
Dead and buried.
Dead and buried."

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