Community service.

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So today I was to report to the principal's office and he would take us behind the gym and watch us scrub paint off the walls. All in all it didn't really sound that bad, the people in this town are so dumb they probably used some really cheap paint.

Whatever that didn't matter. I was in gym right now and we weren't really doing anything. We did a floor hockey unit but our teacher got fed up with us complaining so she let the people who wanted to sit out do so. Of course I was one of those people, why would I waste my time playing sports?

I sat on the top bleacher and watched everyone out on the court. People were running around and looked all sweaty. It was gross, besides I knew I was going to get all gross and sweaty today after school. What a wonderful way to spend a Friday.

I sigh and take my phone out of my pocket to look at the time. We had ten minutes before the bell rang. I was to report to the principal's office and he would take us both out behind the school.

I was never good at manual labor. I really hoped that the paint would come off rather quickly. My dad told me that no matter how long it took that it had to be spotless. He was never a person who was easy to please.

People on the court start packing up and people start lining up by the door. I waited for the people below me to start moving before I went down. I was lined up and the bell rang. We all left and I went to my locker before I went to the office.

I waited by my locker for most of the people to leave and started walking down the main hallway. I went into the office and behind the counter where smaller offices for vice principal's and other important people. I walked into his office and Neil was already in there.

"Alright before we go outside we need to stop by a custodial closet and get buckets of soapy water." He says and Neil and I follow him. We walked down to a closet and he made us each carry a bucket. We went out the doors behind the gym and looked at what was on the wall.

It was some seniors who spray painted "2K16 seniors" in gigantic letters. No one was going to see it, I have no idea why someone would paint it there.

"I have to go get a ladder, you two start scrubbing the stuff closer to the ground."

I looked up and squinted because the sun was in my eye. I grab a scrubber and got to work.

"This is so fucking stupid. Is your side coming off?" He asks.

"No, whatever it is, it's permanent."

I tried really really hard and only some of it was coming off. I re-wet my cloth and tried harder. Eventually I got the very bottom of the letter "K" to come off. Then the principal walked outside with a ladder. He placed it to the right of me and then sat down on a lawn chair he also brought out. I don't know why he had to watch us, what else were we going to do.

I stood on the ladder and tried to get some of what was on the top off. It was pretty hard might I add.

I looked over at what Neil was doing. He was doing just as well as I was. I looked back at the principal and he fell asleep on his chair. So much for watching over us. I went back to work and got a lot of it off. After working for a while it got a lot easier and we only now had to scrub of the "niors" of the word "seniors"

I stepped off of the ladder and tried scrubbing more of what was on the bottom. It came off after a few minutes. I was right when I said I was going to get all gross and sweaty. All I wanted to do right now was take a nice cold shower.

I looked at my hands and they were black from the paint on the wall. I dipped them in the soapy bucket and tried to scrub it off.

"He's asleep if you want to take a break." I suggest.

"Yeah I really need one. I brought water bottles if you want one."

"Sure, wow you really come prepared."

"This isn't the first time I've had to do something like this."

He hands me a watter bottle and I open it. I struggles a little because my hands were wet from sweat. It wasn't cold water but it did feel nice to have some.

I checked my phone, It was already five. We'd been working for two hours. I texted my mom and told her to pick me up by six and she responded,

"Sorry honey I'm still at work, it's only a three mile walk."

She was insane if she thought I was going to walk three miles.

"Hey Neil can you drive me home?" I ask."

"Sorry Cass, I live right by the school so I walk every day and I don't have a car."

Well that sucks for me and there was no way in hell I was going to ask my dad to drive me home. I'll just walk.

Him and I get up and finish the job. I wake up the principal and he tells us to get home, which I was more than happy to do.

I walk past the gym and off of school property. This was the first time I had been outside in this area of town. I look down the street and you could see the sun setting behind all the houses. Whatever I still had like a three mile walk ahead of me.

I walk down Pine Street for a while. There were houses and a few stores and gas stations along the way. If I had any money I would probably get myself a cold drink. But I knew when I got home there was cold gatorade in the fridge and my family watches Wheel of Fortune at nine.

It was now officially dark and I stepped up my walk to get home faster. I still had like a mile to go.

A blue truck pulls to my side and I thought this was it, I was going to get raped or this guy was a serial killer, actually it was none of the above. It was Jeremy.

"Why are you walking home?"

"Cause my parents are douchebags." I say.

"Well get in the truck."

I open the passenger side door and hop in.

"Where were you going?" I ask him.

"I was leaving Kevin's house."

He put a CD in and a bunch of screaming came out of the speakers. Lucky for me my house was up ahead.

He pulls into my driveway after I tell him where it is and I get out. It was now like eight o'clock and my parents still weren't home.

"See you Monday." He said and I waved goodbye.

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