Coffee house.

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Tonight was coffee house. Every year the school throws one on the first Friday in February which was today. Right now Jeremy and I were siting at a table at Burger King.

"So how nervous are you?" I asked.

"I don't know, the fear hasn't settled in yet. But I do know that once I get up there there's going to be a huge knot in my stomach."

"Well I'm glad you're doing something."

"Yeah me too, you should have seen the look on the principals face when he found out I was performing tonight. I guess he was shocked I was doing something with my life."

"Well I'm glad too. And trust me I love hearing you sing."

"Well yeah but what if no one else does?" he asked.

"Well I mean you auditioned in front of three judges and they all thought you were good enough to perform in front of a hundred or so people."

"Yeah that's true, we should probably get going so we're not late."

Jeremy and I throw away our garbage and head out to the parking lot and I climb in his truck.

"It looks like it's going to rain." I said.

"It's Florida what else is new?"

Jeremy pulls out of the parking lot and we were driving on the highway listening to music.

"So what song are you singing tonight?" I ask.

"You'll see."

"Ugh I'm becoming so impatient."

"Trust me Cassidy you're going to love it."

"Well of course I will I already knew that."

Jeremy does nothing else but smile. That's all I needed right now.

"I was right it is raining." I said.

"Yeah let's just hope we don't get struck by lightning." he joked.

"Boy you're such a cheery person today aren't you?"

Jeremy drives carefully into the rain and eventually we pulled into the school parking lot along with a bunch of other cars as well.

"Oh Cassidy I already bought you a ticket." he said and handed me a green ticket.

"You didn't have to do that." I said.

"It was like two dollars because I am performing it wasn't that big of a deal."

Jeremy walks me to a table where the rest of the gang was siting and he sat up near a wall along with other performers.

The lights flicker on and off a few times (which if you didn't know is theatre for the show is about to begin) and everyone else in the cafeteria became silent.

The MC introduced the first performer which was a sophomore girl singing some country song with an acoustic guitar. Like I said before I think that country music is a sin.

The audience applauds and she bows and walks off, next was a band and they were performing centuries by Fall Out Boy.

"Finally a song I'd sing along to." I said.

Once they were done the next people included a magician, comedian and a couple other people who played instruments and such.

I looked at the sheet with the names of other people who were performing and right now was a one act skit and after that it said "Single performed by Jeremy McKinnon."

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