Last day.

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"Hey Jeremy, quick question." I ask, we were sitting in math and the teacher gave us a paper to do with another student.

"Yeah, what is it?"

"So, if you and Violet are siblings, and her dad, or well your dad is the principal, then why doesn't he have the same last name as the both of you?"

"Because when he married my mom, my mom didn't change her last name so they both agreed that we would take hers."

I nod, I don't really know what made me think of that but I'm glad to know the answer. Right now Jeremy was focused on his paper. I don't think he was always so thrilled answering questions about the family that he hated. Which is why we really don't talk about it.

I sunk back down into my chair and drummed my fingers on my desk. Today was the last day before we were off to winter break and I could go back home and see my family and old friends. I guess I like it here and I'm torn in picking a place I'd rather live or go to college. Honestly, anything away from my parents would be great.

I looked at my watch and counted down the seconds before the bell rang. Next I had art. Art was probably my favorite time of the day besides lunch because we literally did nothing in there and I could have some peace and quiet for 45 minutes.

I was walking out the door and you could see the art room from here because it was so close, and I saw something rather peculiar. A short teacher with long brown hair and big circular glasses was sitting on an art bench outside of my art classroom. I walked up and she was holding up a clipboard and she asked for my name.

"You're in seat fifteen." she says and I walk into the room which had been stalked with art supplies and posters. So I'm guessing our old art teacher got fired or something.

"Hey we have a new teacher." Alex said sitting on the seat behind me. "Yeah I'm aware." I joke. I turn around and face him who was sitting next to Kevin, lucky them the seating chart was in alphabetical order and they both had "S" last names.

The teacher shuts the door and introduces herself as "Doctor Kline."

"Okay class, the first thing I want you to do is by row, come up to the board and write down one word that can describe you." I look at the board and she wrote "One word that describes you" on it and the first row was called up to do it, people wrote the usual things like "Nice" or "Smart" or "Artistic".

When it was my rows turn to go up I had trouble thinking of a word to describe me so I just wrote what people always have called me.


I put the cap back on the marker and go back to my seat, a few people laugh at my word and then Alex and Kevin's row walk up. Alex wrote "Drummer" and Kevin wrote "Musical".

That was the last row and then the teacher took a look at the board and made some sort of face and turned back around to face us, "So I guess we have a few funny people in here, lucky for you I think I'm pretty funny too." She says and erases the board after asking, "So who are my musical students." looking at what Kevin and Alex had wrote on the board.

Both of them raise their hand and a couple people in the room laugh and whisper mean things and they put their hands down.

The teacher hands out a packet and tells us our first project would be to create an image describing what we like to do, our lives basically.

I sit there while the new teacher was talking on and on about her life or something. I tried thinking of ideas and cool things I could do. I didn't know for sure what I'd do but whatever it is, I have the entire winter break to do it.

The teacher sits at her desk for the last five minutes of class and the rest of us wait silently at our desks for the bell to ring. Ugh, I did not feel like going into that stupid gym and doing work. I hated it but my dad is forcing me to.

I walk past a bunch of other students and wave hi to Jeremy walking into the locker room so I could change into some gym clothes. After I put my stuff in my gym locker I went out the doors leading into the gym and sat on the bleachers which is where we were supposed to sit before the bell rang.

We get into groups of five and do some warm up exercises and stretches. I look up at the people sitting on the bleaches and feel jealous of them. I wish I could sit up there and do nothing. My dad told my coach that if I sat up there that she had to email him and he would deal with it from there and that is not something I felt like dealing with.

The coach and some other students helped the coach bring out volleyball nets and volleyballs which is what we were doing in that class to begin with. I was serving for my team first and I served a perfect throw and someone on the opposite team hit it out of bounds so that was a point for our team and I got to serve again.

Eventually it was my turn to sit out for our team and at this point we were allowed to get water, which I did. The water in the gym was very cold and very refreshing.

I get back on the field and play front center for a while before our next rotation. The coach blew her whistle signaling that we could go back to the locker rooms and get changed back into our regular clothes.

I check my phone and it was 2:44. Winter break started in one minute. I wait patiently with Josh by the door for the bell to ring.

"So Josh, are you doing anything for Christmas?" I ask him leaning against the wall by the door.

"No, my family are atheists so we don't to any of that kind of stuff, I just look forward to me not having to be in here. I'll probably just text Jeremy making sure his family doesn't kill him."

"Yeah, my family aren't really religious but my grandparents are so whenever we see them we go to church and stuff and pretend that we always do." I say.

Josh smiles and I stand back up anticipating for the bell to ring anytime now, and it did. It was hard pushing past other kids, especially the freshman who haven't yet learned to walk on the right side of the hallway.

After getting to my locker I walk outside and it felt really nice, it was like 70 degrees. I walk onto the bus and sit next to Jeremy as usual.

"Hey bitch." I say and sit next to him and he laughed, "Hey whore." he joked and I pushed him into the window.

"So what are you doing over break." I ask him.

"The usual, my lame ass family is always the center of attention so family gatherings are always held at my house. Even though no one in my family is Christian." he said.

"Well good luck dealing with all of that." I say.

"Thanks, I'll probably need it."

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