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So it was the day before Thanksgiving break and I was just about to leave English and go to lunch. I walk out into the hallway where people were pushing and shoving trying to get where they needed to be. I get to my locker and there was a couple making out against it.

I walk up and peak my head around them. Yep, there was a lot of tounge involved. I clear my throat and they stop and sneer at me. They moved away and I muttered "thanks" at them.

I put my stuff away and when I left they leaned against my locker again and Started another make out session. It was nasty.

I walk in the cafeteria and look at everyone in there. I've had a headache all day long and really did not feel like sitting in here at all. I see them sitting outside but the pain was too much for me in here, it was too noisy.

I leave and decide to go to the library instead. I walk down an empty hallway and found the doors labeled "Library" I go in and sit at where Neil and I sat after we met with the principal.

I sit down and take out my binder with all my crap layed out inside of it. I see the math section and the first paper had the word "Homework due Tuesday" on it.

Crap, today was Tuesday and I had none of it done.

I grab a pencil and attempt to do the first page. I knew it was all wrong. I was just going to accept my failure and not turn it in. I crumple it up and dunk it at the trash can at the end of the table.

And I missed it by a mile. I get up, sigh and place it in the garbage. Hopefully no one just saw my epic fail but also no one would ever waste their time in the library during lunch. No one but me.

I sit back down and organize my messy binder, I couldn't stand the mess. I had papers all the way back from September which needed to be thrown away.

I take out my phone and play some Fall Out boy songs. I would have started a jam session but that would probably look very weird, dancing all alone in the back of an almost empty library.

I look out the window which led into the hall and see a bunch of kids walking down it. I guess the bell rand and I didn't hear it.

I get up and go upstairs into my math class. It was pretty nice being able to sit next to Jeremy in a class. Even though the two other people sitting across from us hated us.

"Hey where were you during lunch, we thought you were dead." Jeremy chuckles.

"I was too busy being dead in the library cause I had a headache."

"So now you're the nerd who spends their lunch in the library cause they have no friends."

I stick my tounge out at him and sit down. "Hey did you do the homework?" He asks me.

"Well you see, about that, uhh yeah no." I half smiled.

"Well well well look at Ms.Goody too shoes over here didn't do here homework for once."

That comment was worth a punch in the arm, "Well at least I DO it and not beg people for it like you do."

He laughs. The teacher walks in and walks around and collects everyone's homework. She looked very dissapointed walking by my desk, "Is Mr.McKinnon rubbing off on you young lady? I really hope not." She says and walks away. When she turned her back I flicked her off which caused a few chuckles.

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