This is stupid.

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"So that was really stupid." I say as we exit the main office. When we met with the principal he made us come to an agreement that we both had to do community service. I tried telling the principal that I didn't do anything besides sticking up for a friend but he "Didn't want to hear it." The sad part is that there's no way my parents won't find out about this. An administrator called my mom at work and explained what happened.

"I don't feel like going back to chemistry, do you wanna just ditch?" He asks me.

Why not get in any more trouble? I ask myself. "Sure, but where are we going to go?"

"The library is never closed and if we're in there people will just think we're doing work."

"Sounds better than another lecture, I'm in."

We walk down to the library and go in. We made our way to the very back and just sat at a table.

"Why couldn't he have just given us another detention?" I ask.

"Cause he's used to seeing me in there and he knows detention won't do anything. He probably just doesn't want you following in my footsteps."

"Footsteps? You did nothing wrong!"

"Try telling that to anyone around here."

"Well my parents are going to kill me, what about your's?" I ask.

"They're pretty used to this kind of stuff by now, they tell me not to do it again which I never do in the first place, and then boom, some idiot gets me in trouble."

I felt so furious at this point. Why would anyone be this much of a bitch to someone? Why didn't the school do anything about it?

The bell rings and that means it's time for me to go to English class. I stop by my locker and grab the essay I printed out this morning and went into my classroom.I sat down and waited for everyone else to arrive. I knew I was going to be in trouble when I got home and I was really stressing out about it. I tried to calm down and just not think about it.

The teacher comes around and collects all of our work. He showed us this video on Edgar Allen Poe and gave us a few of his short stories. We had to read them and we had to answer questions about them.

The time finally came for lunch and I went to my locker because I had something to drink in there. I was never big on eating in the middle of the school day, I usually ate when I got home. I walk into the cafeteria and outside into the courtyard. I sat down and everyone was already there. How they got there so quickly was beyond me. I knew I walked like a turtle but this was ridiculous.

I sat down and opened my gatorade bottle.

Jeremy: "So I heard you and Neil got in trouble earlier."

Me: "Ugh I don't want to talk about it. I hate this school so much."

Alex: "Welcome to Ocala."

Neil: "Yeah we have to do this community service project. Some kid painted this mural on the back of the school and he wants us to clean it up. He probably thinks we did it too."

Kevin: "When do you guys have to stay after?"

Neil: "Next week because that's the next time he has to watch us for an hour.

Personally I was pretty pissed off. And Neil was probably right saying that the principal thought it was him who spray painted the mural.

I was mad the rest of the day and I was afraid to go home. I never got into trouble and this year I've already gotten detention and now have to do community service. I was always good but the people here are out to get me.

The bus comes to my stop and I get off. I walk along the sidewalk but I walk pretty slow. I could feel my heart race and I was starting to sweat.

I arrive at my front gate and unlock it. I walk up my driveway and open the door. "Honey can you come in here." My mom says. She and my dad were in the dining room.

"What's this about you getting into fights young lady?" My dad exclaims. When he says "young lady" he's mad.

"I wasn't fighting dad. This kid came over to my friend, he was pushing him around. Then the teacher walks in and stops it. He sends my friend to the office but I stood up for him so he sent me too. I did nothing wrong."

"That's not what the school said. You're lying to me!" He says.

"No I'm not dad, that's what happened. The principal didn't want to hear my side of the story."

"Listen to me, when you get home you are to go to your room and you are to report next Friday to your principal's office and do some community service. Understood?"

"Fine." I say and go up to my room and slam the door. I hated my dad and I have no idea what my mom sees in him.

I grabbed my phone and texted Neil, "Hey my parents are pissed."

"Mine too but then again I don't think they care anymore."

"My dad was being an asshole as usual and my mom didn't even try to stick up for me, she probably knew I was right."

"That sucks, how pissed was your dad?"

"He's sending me to my room like I'm five until next Friday when we stay after school. At least he didn't know about detention or he'd kill me."

I wondered what I was going to do in my room for a whole two weeks by myself. Maybe now I'll look forward to going to school.

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