Leap day.

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Today was February 29th. Leap day. A day that only happens once every four years. It's pretty cool, this year has 366 days. It's an unordinary day that should be celebrated, a day to have fun. A day to remember.

But of course this is my life, so what do you expect right?

"Agh!" Jeremy moaned as his left shoulder hit the lockers and landed on the floor.

"Just die already." Justin spat on him, then him and his stupid cronies left. Heading towards the cafeteria because lunch had just started.

"Hey dude are you okay?" Alex ran up to me and him.

"Help him up." I said, him and I grabbed Jeremy by his two shoulders and lifted him up and over us.

"Guys it's okay, really I'm fine I can walk."

"Are you sure dude cause you look like hell." Alex said.

"Yeah yeah yeah I'm fine. I'll just walk it off. Let's just go outside."

Jeremy, Alex and I walk into the cafeteria and head out the doors that lead to the courtyard.

"Hey guys how's it going?" Josh asked as we sat down.

"Ok minus the fact that Jeremy just had a little run in with Justin." Alex said.

"Oh dude are you okay?"

"Yeah I'll be fine. I just want the day to be over with."

"Yeah me too." I said.

"Hey I'm gonna go run to the bathroom real quick. I'll be right back." Josh said an it was currently just the three of us because God knows where Kevin and Neil are right now.

"Hey guys, I have a weird question." Alex said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Do you guys think that Neil and Kevin are like-."

"Going out?" I asked.

"Yeah. I mean these last couple of weeks they haven't been eating lunch with us or if they do then they come in really late or leave early. And I walked in on them yesterday and Kevin's house after rehearsal and although I didn't see anything, afterwords Neil asked me if I did."

"Jeremy what do you think?" I asked.

"It could be possible. I wouldn't doubt it, they've been giving each other lovey dovey eyes since we were twelve."

"You know I kind of ship it." I said.

"And what would be their ship name?" Alex asked.

"Well Neil and Kevin so Nevin? Or Keil? Nah Nevin sounds a lot better."

"Ok guys lets not jump to conclusions. We should ask them." Jeremy said and we all nodded.

The doors to the cafeteria open and Justin walks out along with a few other friends.

"Hey fags." he says at us.

"Hey would you quit calling them that." I said.

"Why? We all know about your two gay lover boys. What are their names? Kevin and... Neil?"

"Just shut up and mind your own damn business would you already. What's it to you anyway?"

"I don't like it when queens walk around MY school. We saw them holding hands just now."

"Shut up." Jeremy said.

"And what are you going to do about it? Write a pathetic song? Yeah I know about your lame ass band. We were all there. Almost the entire school was, and now everyone knows how much of a loser you really are. Same goes to all of you."

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