Chapter 6

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I blushed instantly. We couldn't stand each other and we now had to sleep three days in the same tent... He didn't say anything more after answering my question. I didn't speak either. There was a slight uneasiness between us. If you had told me a week ago that I was going to sleep in a tent with Jooheon, I think I wouldn't have believed it. But now my hatred (which came from a personal judgment passed hastily) had somewhat dissipated and I did not take this new too badly. I just needed to know what he thought. Since earlier, he kept telling me that it was not a good idea to go camping with my injured ankle, though I suspected he didn't say that for my good, but because he knew I was going to share his tent. How ultimately selfish. It was still time to decline the invitation and to take my last holiday weekend to rest my sore ankle and to relax.

I finally saw the doctor who gave me an X-ray which turned out disappointing. I was not going to dance under any circumstances for 3 weeks and I had to avoid at all costs too much physical activity. He advised me to use crutches to help me walk without leaning on my right foot. On leaving, I almost regretted to have come. If Jooheon really didn't want to see me in their getaway in the woods, he will certainly tell my father the latest events (indeed, I was not planning on warning him before my return). And also, I had too much pride to beg him not to say anything...


* In the car *


Jooheon: Why would I do that?

Me: Come on, you can do that for me.

I shook his arm slightly to make him react. He put my hand back where it should be and started the engine.

Me: Listen, if I could get on my knees right now, I would. Oh! I will when we'll be arrived at the company.

Jooheon: You're going to draw attention on you more than anything.

I tried to do my sad and cute eyes at the same time, but he wouldn't yield. I think it was time to confront him.

Me: I know you're not doing it for my own good at all. You have hidden your game well, however, I discovered everything. You knew the doctor wouldn't advise me to do activities that may hinder my recovery so you've insisted for us to go to the hospital because you knew I wouldn't listen to words coming out from your mouth. You thought that words coming out from the mouth of a doctor would make me change my mind but you were wrong. Why don't you want me to come? I thought our different was settled and we could finally move forward.

I wondered if what I just told him had hit him. He looked at me straight in the eyes for the first time. It was impossible to know what he was thinking at that moment. He had no facial expression, which was rare according to what I heard. In fact, he always had the same poker face with me. I was sad that he couldn't totally get comfortable with me and show his true personality. I used to bring good mood to people. With him, I felt like I was doing the total opposite and always making problems.

In response, he took the road and I decided not to insist. The ride was done in a horrifying silence. I still had the feeling of having done something wrong. Except that I hadn't. What's bad in telling him how I'm feeling? The more I thought and the more I started to think that the problem might come from him. He couldn't handle criticism?

I asked him to bring me home. I had no desire to go back to the agency. He accepted without flinching. I said thank you and goodbye while exiting the automobile, which earned me a nod and a half fake smile. He must appreciate me even more than before...

I was tired, but I couldn't sleep. At around three in the morning, I finally let myself be carried away by sleep. I just had enough of everything.

When I woke up (at 7 am (yes, too soon), I decided to give up the idea of camping. If Jooheon felt better without me (who knows why), I wasn't going to waste his group trip. They all needed it and I didn't want to be an intruder among them.

My father left for work and I was alone. What to do this Friday? I wanted to game. I almost never have time for this so I was going to enjoy it. I made myself a casual bun, put on my ugliest socks, but the most comfortable ones and cooked myself a ham and cheese omelette. After enjoying my meal, I went to open my Xbox and inserted the disk of Diablo III. This game was my life after everything that came before.


It was noon and I was still taped to the screen. Seriously, this idiot who kept killing me was gonna have it.

*POV of Jooheon*

I couldn't wait to finally go have fun without pressure and without cameras with my best friends. I would be lying if I said I wasn't happy not to have seen the face of Ha Neul this morning. What a relief not to have to share my tent with her.

We were in the van that would take us to the place we were gonna camp at. I don't remember the last time I had the chance to go camping so I was looking forward to this weekend.

We were laughing all together, it felt good. Shownu doing dance moves, Minhyuk talking here and there, Kihyun smiling with all his teeth, Hyungwon trying to imitate my aegyos without success, I.M doing a contest of I don't know what with Wonho like belly dancing or something like that and I was trying to make Hyungwon understand the deep meaning of my aegyos. I really felt that we were a family and I loved it.

Suddenly, the van stopped. It has only been 10 minutes that we were driving. Something happened?

Kihyun got out of the van first and I followed behind. I immediately recognized the house.

Me: What are we doing at Ha Neul's place?

End of chapter 6! Hope you like it, thanks to follow the fiction and to vote^^


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