Chapter 24

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Kihyun took my hand and we continued to walk to the table. I avoided looking at Jooheon and the thing next to him, but I still really wanted to see the look he put on us.

Hyungwon: Wow, pretty little couple.

Most of what the guys would say tonight was already planned. It was very important. Even more now that an unwanted energumen had encrusted in our group.

We sat down. In front of them. Finally, I regretted the choices I made yesterday. We had planned about how we would sit around the table and I had insisted that Kihyun and I needed te face Jooheon. Although Shownu had warned me, I didn't believe he would take a girl with him. But he did that bastard. It was for revenge? To make me jealous? Nah, in fact, why would he make me jealous? In addition, the goal was that I make him jealous, not the opposite. We had to regain control on the situation.

No one was talking. I was dying for someone to introduce me to the nuisance even though I would prefer to ignore her. In life, the better we know our enemies, the better we can fight them. I obviously wasn't going to ask her myself, that would be too weird and Jooheon would feel it affects me.

After the waitress came to take our orders, began a conversation about Minhyuk's choice. It was quite futile, but at least we talked.

My phone vibrated. I took it and saw that I had received a text message from Wonho.

"I'll introduce you to the girl. Make sure to look happy to meet her. Jooheon must not realize that the fact that he came with a girl bothers you, okay?"

I gave him my consent and waited a few minutes until Wonho did what he said.

Wonho: Oh yeah, by the way, Ha Neul and Kihyun don't know the charming girl who accompanies Jooheon yet.

"Charming", he put a little too much I think. I was asking myself if I wouldn't have preferred Saejin.

Wonho: I present you Joo Hee. And Joo Hee, this is Ha Neul and Kihyun. Kihyun is the guy and Ha Neul the girl.

He hasn't really dare? It wasn't obvious enough?

Joo Hee: So happy to meet you!!

Oh f*ck. She looked nothing like that. She was calm, she hasn't spoken since my arrival. But when she opened her mouth... Her voice, shit. She's right out of Alvin and the Chipmunks? There're girls that have a treble voice, there're girls who have very treble voice, there're girls who have a treble voice because they force them and then there's her. We don't really know if it's a disease, vocal cord dysfunction, a big fake or if it's normal. Drop the latter option, it's not possible. Already there was too much excitement in her voice, that acutety (a word that doesn't exist, I'm aware of it) only makes things worse. Don't tell me that Jooheon find it appealing. I don't even speak and it annoys him, but her... I don't understand that he didn't commit a murder already. Me, it would already be done.

Kihyun shook her hand and I did the same with a smile.

Jooheon: No need to show you arrogant.

Everyone stopped what he was doing to watch the scene. I would have ignored Joo Hee, I wouldn't have said hello to her or shook hands and Jooheon wouldn't has commented I'm sure. But since I decided to be sociable and friendly, he called me arrogant.

Minhyuk: Relaxe Jooheon, in what way was she arrogant?

He didn't answer. I think he realized that what he had said had no meaning.

Hyungwon: Well, every time we go out together you bring a girl. For the number of times we go out all together, you could keep you from getting other people.

Ahh Hyungwon. I wondered if he was thinking sometimes before speaking. It wasn't planned that he says that and we were all a little anxious to see how it would turn out.

Jooheon: I have no right to have made myself a girlfriend?

I wasn't sure if it was true or not. Maybe he really was dating Joo Hee though I doubted strongly.

Shownu: He didn't say that, it's just that when we go out, we owuld like to be just us together. No offense to you Joo Hee of course.

Joo Hee: Oh nah, don't worry I understand.

Well, I died a second time tonight. Definitely, a large strip of tape over the mouth would suit her better than her lipstick.

Jooheon: Ha Neul, thw whole week she is depressed and suddenly she starts dating Kihyun, everything is normal, they hug in front of everyone, but it doesn't seem to bother anyone.

I.M: It's alright Jooheon, calm down. You're getting angry for nothing.

At that moment, everything went wrong. The behavior and reactions of Jooheon were so unpredictable. Nothing was going as I wanted, but the more it was going and the more I realized how this story was stupid. Someone said we couldn't force love. Well that's it. It would be better for me to give up immediately instead of keeping hope for something that obviously won't change.

I warned I.M of my decision by text message and he said that I had made a wise decision. Tonight I would have fun with my friends, no way it was going to be ruined by this guy. He must be bipolar I can't believe.

The plates arrived and the atmosphere was slowly returning. Probably because Jooheon had closed is mouth. The meal was really delicious. Before dessert arrived, Joo Hee got up to smoke a cigarette outside. I didn't pay attention and took a sip of water. Against all odds, she patted me on the shoulder and asked me to join her outside to talk.

We went to sit on a bench just outside the restaurant. She lit a cigarette and dropped a puff of smoke.

Joo Hee: You know, I didn't want to come tonight. When he explained why he wanted me to come, I immediately refused, but I ended up coming anyway. Sorry to disturb your evening with friends.

Seeing the sincerity of those words, I pushed deep into my head the obsession I had with her voice. I wanted to hear what she had to say without always returning to her voice.

Joo Hee: You love him, right?

I was surprised that she was so direct.

Me: I don't know exactly.

Joo Hee: You don't have to worry about t, he will come to you in due course. Don't forsake him.

Me: So I was right to believe that you don't go out together for real?

Joo Hee: Jooheon is a very good friend and the only reason why I don't date him is because I like girls.

She laughed and gave me a nudge so that this revelation don't create uneasiness though I have no problem with her words.

Jooheon: Joo Hee, what do you do there?

He was there? Since when?

End of chapter 24! Thanks to follow the fiction and to vote^^


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