Chapter 14

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I put my arms around his neck and he grabbed me by the waist. His breath was warm and friendly. It was a gentle kiss, but also a quick one.

Jooheon: I don't know how long I waited for this moment.

I could feel his lips move when he said that. I said nothing except to kiss him even more insistently. I haven't kissed a lot of guys in my life, but I knew how to do what. We both had this need to have more and more and more, we didn't lose a crumb of that time because we didn't know what would happen next... I was beginning to feel this fear that our relationship goes back to the same point as before like: get closer, get annoyed, get closer, get annoyed, and so on. I also dreaded the moment when we were going to separate us from each other. Would we go out together? Or this was just a simple kiss no more. Just a drive like that he had needed to relieve. I ordered myself to stop having these depressing thoughts and to enjoy what was happening now.

He eventually stepped back slightly. I think we both needed to catch our breath. Our eyes cruised and he imprisoned me in his arms. I returned his hug and snuggled against him. I could've stayed like this forever.

Jooheon: You can't even imagine how much I hate you for making me feel that way.

Me: It's not like I was trying to anyway.

I heard him laugh a little. I liked this Jooheon much more, cheerful and pleasant. Unfortunately, we couldn't stay here all day so he excused himself and went first to join his troupe. I stayed only a few moments and then went down too. I had the impression of floating on a cloud.

After having a rap session with Jae, I returned home to study. The end was near and I just had to give my all in my studies. It was indeed boring except that did I have the choice? No. So let's work.

It had been a week that I was going to school and that I was staying cloistered at home to study. There was only one week of exams left, then delivery of degree and prom, so I could finally do something that I really like.

Despite my unfailing determination to pass my exams, I kept thinking about Jooheon and that kiss we had exchanged. Perhaps had he already forgotten? Yet Shownu told me that Jooheon had fallen in love with me, right? Thinking back to Shownu, I felt a wave of embarrassment over me. In the end, alcohol doesn't suit me well at all. The only reason why I regretted is because I had no memory of that moment. Otherwise, it would've been nice. I liked Shownu except that Jooheon could make me feel emotions I had never felt before. Something no one else could do like him. I never loved someone I had hated at the highest point.

Is that I loved him? Was it love? Or just an attraction. Nothing profound, a passenger stuff. And what did he think of that?

Shit. I don't even know when he was going to talk to me again. He hadn't since then texted or called me.

No dear friends, I certainly won't be the first to make the first steps. I'm an independent woman you know. I don't want him to think I'm missing him (although this is somewhat true), (no, actually I don't miss him, I just want to clarify things). I don't even know if I wanted to be in a relationship now. I don't know either if he wanted us to be a couple. Arghh, why a simple kiss makes everything so complicated?? If only I could know if it had a true meaning or not.

While I was busy preparing dinner for when my father would return, I heard someone knocking on the door. I looked at the time and told myself it was too early for him to be already here. I went to open and saw I.M.

I.M: Hey hi you. It's been a while we haven't seen the tip of your nose at the agency. We miss our lovely pet. I was about to call the Animal Protection Society to find out if they hadn't rescued you but I told myself that I should first go see if you were at your master's house.

Me: Oh damn, what am I gonna to do with you.

I gave him a pat on the shoulder and motioned for him to enter.

Me: Sit down, I'm preparing supper. You want to eat here?

I.M: If you insist. As long as it's not dog food.

Me: You got a freaking mental problem today.

I.M: Not more than usual.

He said that laughing. There was nothing better than spending time with I.M to relax and to forget my concerns. No matter what he says, there is literally never anything serious. That's why he was my best friend.

Me: What brings you here?

I.M: I just wanted to see if my little doggie was fine. And also, it's been a really long time we did something together.

Me: Seriously, since when do you call me your doggie? It's the first time you do it and it annoys me already. Stop saying that if you don't want to have a spatula slap on your hand.

I.M: What if it was Jooheon who called you like that, you'd be angry or you'd find it cute?

His question had taken me off guard and I stood there looking at him, no answer was coming.

I.M: Oh I see, I've hit the nail. Tell me, what happened between you two on the roof? You go out together now? You have become inseparable I bet.

Me: How do you want us to have become inseparable if I didn't come to the agency once this week.

I.M: Well, he spent the week on the phone. It was with you, right?

Me: No... We haven't talked since last week.

I didn't like at all what I.M was telling me.

I.M: Ohh... But he seemed really happy to talk with the person on the phone. Seriously, he had stars in his eyes.

End of chapter 14! Thanks to follow the fiction and to vote^^


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