Chapter 21

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I raised my head and ran my eyes to where the hands of I.M were pointing.

I.M: What do you think?

I just nodded. This nod had no particular opinion, I didn't really want to talk. I just wanted to forget this day.

I.M: Okay, I see. I'll drive you at home. A good night's sleep will do well and tomorrow we will have a little picnic in the park near the agency to talk about this.

I liked the idea. I rose from my chair and said goodbye to the boys with a brief wave.

Hyungwon: But since Kihyun would be her boyfriend, shouldn't he be the one to accompany her?

Kihyun: I didn't know you could say smart stuff, but frankly, you're brilliant Hyungwon. Let's go Ha Neul.

I followed him outside after he called a taxi.

Kihyun: You seem to like Jooheon so much.

Me: I don't even know why I like a guy like him.

Kihyun: You know, none of us had seen that happen. That may be just a passing thing. He'll realize one day that he truly loves you.

I sighed and leaned my head backward.

Me: We baffle all the time. How do you want us to be a couple if we always fight.

He chuckled quietly. I liked to talk with Kihyun because it was relaxing and I felt really listened.

Kihyun: But you love him despite your arguments.

He touched a point. It's crazy to think that even though sometimes I feel like ripping his head off, I couldn't help but have feelings for him.

Kihyun: And I'm sure it's the same for him.

All he had said since we were out had restored my confidence and hope.

The taxi stopped at the entrance of the building and I entered first followed Kihyun. The ride was spent in silence. I didn't want the driver to be aware of my love problems. He didn't seem very talkative either.

By the time the taxi parked in front of my house, I took out my wallet. Kihyun stopped my gesture and told me to get out of the car.

Me: I can't let you pay! In addition you have to go back there by taxi, you'll be broke.

Kihyun: It's okay, this is what a boyfriend would do.

He winked at me and almost pushed me outside. He smiled at me before closing the door.

When I entered the house, my father greeted me cheerfully. Visibly, he couldn't wait for me to tell him my evening.

My dad: Hey, it's not too early? Usually you get home around midnight and now it's only 21h.

Me: Yeah... Well, actually, Jooheon absolutely had to go to the dormitory so I preferred to come back here you know.

My dad: Oh okay. How did it go?

Me: Not too bad I think.

I think he realized it hadn't been as I would have liked it to be so he left me alone.

I spent the rest of the evening locked in my room hoping for any phone call or text message that I never received.


I took a bite of my sandwich prepared by Shownu. Only 3 guys were there to prevent Jooheon from being alone and from suspecting something. So there was Kihyun (obviously), I.M (obviously) and Minhyuk (him, no one knows why, he just insisted to death to come).

In short, today the goal was to build our attack strategy. We had to be prepared for any eventuality since Jooheon could be quite unpredictable. Both in his actions than in his words.

Minhyuk: I say we have to wait at least 1-2 weeks prior to "formalize" their relationship. Otherwise Jooheon'll think what? Yesterday, she was heartbroken and now she gets Kihyun. Would you believe it?

I.M: I admit that it would be weird. Mostly from Ha Neul who's single since... since.

Ha Neul: Anyway, that I'm single since a long time or not, I still wouldn't start dating anyone actually today.

Kihyun: So we have to pretend to get closer as friends for some time and at some point we would end up dating.

Minhyuk: I think that in this way it could work.

We continued to eat when we saw Hyungwon running towards us.

I.M: You okay?

Hyungwon: I don't know, we think Jooheon is doing a panic attack or something like that. And he kept...

Minhyuk: Oh shit.

We stood all together and ran to the agency. A chance that the park was literally next door. We quickly went up the stairs and we returned to the living room where I saw Jooheon, sweaty. He had his hands on the head and you could see he was trembling slightly. His breathing was choppy and difficult.

Jooheon: What's going on? I don't want to die...

He whispered these words and I was probably the only one to have heard. Where did he get that? I tried not to panic myself.

Jooheon: My chest hurts...

He placed his hand on his chest, where it surely hurt.

I.M: F**king idiot, why did you come pick us Hyungwon?

Hyungwon: Well, he kept saying the name of Ha Neul so I thought it would calm him if she came.

I.M: Even that, you should have called an ambulance directly or at least get him to the infirmary. Or call us, already it would have taken less time than to pick us up.

Shownu: We tried to call you, but your phones were turned off, there was no answer.

Wonho: The ambulance is coming. I just called.

I.M: Shownu, Kihyun go look for a doctor or a nurse. Minhyuk, Hyungwon go get water and a towel to put on his forehead. Wonho you, go wait for the ambulance at the front to be able to guide them here when they will arrive.

They all left to do what I.M said while he went to inform whomever. So I found myself alone with Jooheon who didn't seem to go well at all. I sat beside him on the couch and made him lie so that his head was resting on my lap. I flattered his hair until the other guys arrive. I didn't like to see this vulnerable side of Jooheon, but at the same time, he was more accessible to me like that.

Me: It's okay. Take deep breaths and calm down. I'm here now. Everything will be fine.

I think he was crying. He asked me not to leave him alone, he was afraid to die. I wanted to comfort him and tell him that everything was going to be fine, but even I didn't know. I felt so powerless in this situation.

End of chapter 21! Thanks to follow the fiction and to vote^^


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