Chapter 18

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Jooheon went directly to the hospital with I.M. It was almost midnight and I could 't wait to find my bed and its comfort. None of the other guys had come by car, they all took public transportation. Since it was late, it was more dangerous to go our separate ways. Hyungwon suggested that we take a taxi, but none of us had any money for that. Even all together we didn't have enough.

Minhyuk: Well, I guess we will have to spend one of our days off at the dorm...

Kihyun: Not really a choice. Let's go.

Me: And me? I come too?

Shownu: We won't leave you alone anyway. You're always welcome to our dormitory.

Me: Oh thank you.

I left a message on the voice mail of my father and sent him a text message. That way, he won't worry when he wakes up.

When we arrived, all the guys headed to their respective bedrooms. I sat in the living room wondering what I should do. I noticed the couch at my right and thought iy would have the wonderful opportunity to be my new boyfriend for the night.

Wonho: Ha Neul what are you doing? Come.

Come where exactly? He would still not offer me to sleep with him?! I would just say that the couch suited me better.

I followed him to a room which fortunately was not his. Kihyun was changing his clothes.

Wonho: Here there are the beds of I.M and Jooheon.

Me: Okay. And?

Wonho: You can take the bed of Jooheon.

I didn't even want to try to imagine what Jooheon would think. It was only the second time we had kissed (and again, I don't know where it was going to lead us) already I was in his bed

Me: I'd rather I.M's bed..

Wonho: Whatever.

He left me alone with Kihyun and went to bed. Kihyun slept on top of Jooheon's bed. I.M had, for some reason I think of luck, not a bunk bed. They were only 3 in this room.

Kihyun: You better sleep now. You had a such a big evening.

Me: We can say this.

I lay on I.M's bed and told myself that his.bed.was.not.comfortable.

Can someone explain to me how he was able to sleep in this bed every day? Better sleep on the floor, it's the same anyway.

I tried to find a comfortable position and fell asleep.

Around 1:30am, I heard footsteps in the hallway. Suddenly, I found myself against the wall to which the bed is against.

I.M: I hope you were not sleeping because now it's clear that you're awake.

How logic.

Me: Push yourself a little, you've literally stamped me into the wall.

I.M: If I push myself a bit, I fall to the ground. It's a small bed.

Me: Noooo really? I hadn't noticed.

I tried to push him away with all my strength, but it wasn't working. If I spent the night like that, the next morning, we could see my fossil in the wall.

I.M: Go sleep in the other bed

Me: Why don't you go there?

I.M: You're in my bed dude.

Me: Oh, you're so annoying. Get up so I can get out.

He went back to bed and put the covers over his head. I see...

I walked to the bed of Jooheon and settle down. Maybe I should go back to the couch. Oh whatever. He will think what he wants, I had no choice.

I could smell his shower gel in the covers. I was uncomfortable, but it was nice.

I woke up the first, it was about 8:30am. It always happens to me when I don't sleep at home. I could never wake up later than 9am and again. No matter what time I went to bed, the waking was still very early.

I went out of bed to go to the bathroom. Going into the living room, I noticed Jooheon's body lying on the couch. I approached slowly and I crouched. I watched carefully the features of his face. His eyes, his nose, his mouth (as in the song "nun, ko, ip"). I wanted to kiss him. And what if he woke up and saw me?

I felt like I force him to love me.

I gave up and stood up. I took a first step and at the same time, I felt a hand grab my wrist.

Jooheon: What are you waiting for?

Me: What?

Jooheon: You have much to thank me for having borrowed you my bed.

So he was already awake when I got there.

Me: Oh, thank you.

Jooheon: Not like that.

Me: I... I have to go to the bathroom.

What an idiot.

As soon as I closed the door of the bathroom behind me, I started to hit my forehead with my hand repeatedly like "facepalm x10". There's something wrong with me. I want to kiss him -> I can kiss him -> I do not want to kiss him anymore.

After I washed my face and did my morning pee, I went to the kitchen to drink water. I saw Jooheon arriving and pretended to be about to leave the room.

Jooheon: You wouldn't want to help me prepare breakfast? It'd be the least to do since we let you slept in our house last night. And besides that you woke me up.

Me: You can always go back to bed.

Jooheon: Too late, I'm not sleepy anymore.

I turned and stopped in front of the fridge.

Me: What do you need?

Jooheon: Take out bacon, sausage and eggs. I'll cook them. Meanwhile you can cut fruits.

Me: Okay.

I gave him what he wanted and took out mangoes and strawberries. I took two bananas on the counter and a cutting board.

Me: So how's Saejin?

Jooheon: Better, she made hypoglycemia.

Me: Oh. She regained consciousness quickly?

Jooheon: Yeah, as soon as they gave her a glucose injection in the ambulance she woke up.

Me: She's diabetic?

Jooheon: Yep.

He then told me that he had stayed with her and that I.M had left before him. Around 1:30am, the doctors allowed him to go out and he took her to her house. He came back here around 2:20am. When he saw that I was in his bed, he went to sleep on the couch.

We had just finished preparing breakfast. Jooheon suggested me to go wake up the guys.

We placed ourselves in the middle of Minhyuk, Wonho, Hyungwon and Shownu's bedroom and played one of the last songs of BIGBANG. The volume to maximum. Minhyuk straightened direct and hit his head on the bed above him. Shownu opened his eyes from the first notes and stood up reluctantly. Wonho muttered us to leave them alone and Hyungwon, well it's Hyungwon, he didn't even move and seemed to still be sleeping. It was going to be difficult to wake him up. We made the same thing for Kihyun and I.M who also told us to go away.

We sat at the table and the guys came gradually.

We were all tired, but the atmosphere was good. Mornings like this, I would have them every day.

End of chapter 18! Thanks to follow the fiction and to vote^^


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