Chapter 20

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I got out of the restaurant and began to walk in a specific direction. Obviously, he didn't try to catch me and he didn't say that in fact he was madly in love with me and he loved me so much.

I dropped a call to I.M to tell him I was coming to the dorm. I wanted to cry, oh yes, but my pride prevented my tears from flowing. It was only 7pm and since the guys seemed to have no life during their days off, they were all present. They were well placed to identify the problem.

Their dormitory was only 10 minutes away from the McDonald's. During all the time I walked, I concentrated on my way and avoided thinking about what had just happened. I will fully have the chance to think about it soon.

I had only to give a knock on the door and it opened right away. I.M looked at me puzzled for this sudden change of situation.

I.M: Jooheon is not with you..?

The look I gave him made him understand that he was the reason for my coming and that therefore he wasn't with me.

He stepped back so I could get in and closed the door. After removing my shoes, I remained there, planted like a toothpick wondering what took me for coming here.

I.M: You can join us in the living room, don't stay there alone.

He spoke very softly as if he was afraid to rush me. But it was good, because I believe that at the slightest shock, I can no longer restrain myself.

I walked quietly to a chair and sat me on it. All the guys had stopped talking when they saw me enter the room. The silence was heavy and Minhyuk finally broke it.

Minhyuk: We believe that you didn't come for nothing... And not for something fun...

Wonho: Ohh congratulations champion, did you guess it alone?

Kihyun: Wonho, please, this isn't the time to joke.

I looked at the floor in search of a word, a sentence to explain. It wasn't that complicated. Though having to say it orally made things more difficult. How many chances were there that I couldn't contain myself? I don't even know how I got attached to Jooheon, but I knew that it hurt. Who once said that love is beautiful? Tell me, I'll beat him up.

I.M: Ha Neul, if you want us to console you, you'll have to explain to us.

I looked like he was talking to a child. I was that vulnerable now?

Shownu: We won't criticize either, we just want you hel...

Someone entered the apartment. I raised my face and saw the silhouette of Jooheon. As soon as he spotted me, he turned and left.

It was too much. The tears ran out from my eyes as in a waterfall. It was too late to stop, we had to wait it out.

What a stupid idea to have come here. Why I didn't think he would come here? It's not that he lives there, but it's pretty much it. I should have thought of it.

They didn't know what to do. They watched me cry, that was all. I.M finally got up and gave me a hug. I was crying in the hollow of his shoulder while Kihyun fetched me a glass of water and handkerchiefs. I calmed down a bit and wiped my tears the best I could. I took a swig of water and took a deep breath before I started talking. My voice was strange, but no one seemed to pay attention.

Me: In short, he doesn't like me. He doesn't want to date me. I was a kind of toy for him.

I saw their mouths, in perfect synchronization, forming an "o" with amazement. Their chins almost touching the floor. It surprised them that much?

Hyungwon: Nah, I hope you're kidding. Jooheon is the last guy who would play with the heart of a girl. Maybe you misinterpreted his words.

All the guys, without exception, turned to him. He realized the situation and sat back in the bottom of the couch.

Hyungwon: But maybe you interpreted his words correctly and he has a hidden facet that nobody knows.

Minhyuk: Honestly, I always thought that he was in love with you and that he dreamed of becoming your boyfriend. I think he'd rather just be single for now.

Me: He hasn't talked about it. He said that he doesn't see us together.

I.M: We can still save the situation.

Wonho: I.M the great savior. Tell us exactly what you think. I'm not sure I see solutions.

Kihyun: You're not forced to discourage us, try something at least.

A new debate began between these two. Everybody except them threw looks of despair and desolation.

Shownu: Okay guys, stop. We have more important things to do than to watch you discuss something futile.

Minhyuk: Explain I. M.

I.M: As you know, Jooheon is a very very jealous person. I would even say extremely jealous. And even if he maintains that he doesn't like Ha Neul, his jealousy will prevail and we will prove to everyone that he was lying.

Hyungwon: Yeah, well for that, we'd need to make him jealous.

I.M: That's exactly what I thought. All we have to do is to find a fake boyfriend for Ha Neul, tell Jooheon and play the little couple deeply in love in front of him. What do you say?

Wonho: I think it's brilliant. Use his weakness to achieve our purposes.

Kihyun: I...

Minhyuk: Shut up Kihyun, we don't want you to start an argument session again.

Hyungwon: And who will be her fake boyfriend?

Shownu: I think we should first ask for Ha Neul's opinion.

I nodded to give my approval on the project. My head was completely empty. They would have asked me to do anything that I would do it.

Kihyun: I think it should be one of us. It will be more comfortable.

Hyungwon: I propose Shownu. In addition, they already know each other well considering they've kissed passionately not a long time ago.

Shownu's face turned red. I was just looking at an unidentified spot on the ground.

I.M: Oh yeah, Shownu would be good.

Minhyuk: How about you, I.M? You are best friends, it should go well between you two.

I.M: I'd rather not, no. Shownu would be better.

Kihyun: I personally propose Kihyun. Shownu is shy. The thing is that we have to be provocative in our actions to make it reach Jooheon fiercely. Shownu, he looks challenging, but when he starts talking we could believe he comes straight out from the Care Bears show.

Minhyuk: You propose yourself?

Kihyun: Nobody would have proposed me otherwise. I think I'm the person that Ha Neul needs. Admit that Shownu is a little too shy.

After a fairly lengthy discussion, they came to a consensus.

I.M: Well Ha Neul, I present you your new boyfriend.

End of chapter 20! Thanks to follow the fiction and to vote^^


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