Chapter 27

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I went back home late in the afternoon. Nobody knew exactly when the members would come back, so I preferred to leave very early to avoid another unwanted encounter.

With Jooheon, we watched, "watched", two films. Indeed, it's the only thing we had done this afternoon. We barely talked. I figured that if he didn't talk, it was probably because he didn't want to talk so I avoided to talk not to annoy him. The day he will tell me, I'll be there to listen.

When I entered in the house, I saw an unknown pair of shoes on the carpet. It belonged to a woman, I was certain of this.

Me (making my way to the kitchen): Dad?

My dad: Oh, Ha Neul, you're home. You spent a great afternoon?

Me: Yes, yes.

My dad: Just wait two minutes, I have someone to introduce you.

I wondered if it wouldn't be a new conquest of my father. Not that there had been much. After my mother's death 8 years old ago, let's say my father lost interest in life. For 4 years, he was there physically, but psychologically, he was completely elsewhere. Fortunately, he eventually got better. He made some meetings here and there, never anything serious. Yet I know that's what he wants the most. Love.

My dad: Ha Neul, I present you Eunmi. She has recently been working in the agency's offices. You know those offices where no one ever goes.

Me: Oh yes. Nice to meet you.

Eunmi: Nice to meet you! Your father told me all about you.

My father talks about me to everyone, it's not today that this remark will flatter me.

My dad: She will have dinner with us tonight.

Me: Okay.

Then I left the kitchen after I heard Eunmi telling my father how she found me beautiful and how I was better than what he had told her.

Let's be honest, what stranger would tell a person's child is ugly? The child may have the face of Chucky that we would still hear "too cute", "so handsome/pretty", etc.

I cleaned my room a little; I took this habit when I didn't know what to do. Well, this woman seemed to be nice.

Around 7pm, we sat at the table and began to enjoy the wonderful kimchi that my father had cooked. Suddenly, we heard a dozen knocks on the door.

Eun Mi: Oh, I'm going to open.

With a large smil, she rushed to the entrance.

1 minutes later, I turned to see Eunmi followed by I.M.

I.M: Hello. Sorry to interrupt your meal.

My dad: It's okay, don't worry. You want to eat with us?

I.M: If you insist.

I've never seen him hesitating so long * sarcasm *. Inviting himself in people's house, he had no problem with that. But well, he was my best friend. I wondered just why he was here.

My father introduced him to Eunmi. Fortunately, despite his failure to thoroughly enjoy the hospitality of his entourage, he was always very polite.

Eunmi: I didn't know you have a boyfriend. I find it really good, especially that the sooner you get married, the better.

She was talking to whom, exactly? Literally, none of those present at the table was a couple.

My dad (trying to subtly whispering at me): Ha Neul, say something at least.

Ha Neul: What?

Eunmi: You have been together for how long?

I didn't understand anything anymore. She spoke with her imaginary friends?

I.M: Excuse me ma'am, but you're wrong. Ha Neul doesn't date me, but Jooheon.

Me: What?!

My dad: What ?!

Eunmi (to follow the wave): What?!

I wasn't dating Jooheon.

Or maybe I was.

Well not officially.

Me (by giving a pat on I.M's shoulder): But where are you going with that? I don't date him.

Eunmi: Aw, you seems to be popular with boys. That's good, you'll be spoiled for choice to choose your husband.

I.M: Oh yeah, I came here to discuss. We'll just go for a little walk.

My dad: Ha Neul, you're in a relationship and you didn't tell me?

Eunmi: Oh my god, you know Ha Neul, it's important that you have a good relationship with your father for you to communicate better.

What, she was a psychologist? She became annoying with her crappy thoughts.

I.M: I'll bring her back later, it's urgent.

Me: But I haven't finished eating !!

I.M: It's okay, let's go.

He pulled me by the arm and took me outside. What was so important? At the moment, apart from starving, I couldn't see what could be so important.

He walked to the sidewalk and started to talk.

I.M: I have no idea what's happening between you and Jooheon, but since Jooheon seems to succumb to his feelings, I think it's a good thing that I inform you of a small thing.

Me: If it's small, why so much press?

I.M: Stop doing shit, you'll eat later. There're people who don't have the chance to eat every day so now your shut up your mouth.

Wooo. I.M never talk to me like that. His tone was hard and exasperated. I understood immediately that I'd better listen carefully to what he had to say.

I.M: You must wonder why Jooheon wanted to get away from you. Why he said he hated you. And why all of a sudden he loves you. In fact, it's been a while that he loves you. But he was always trying to hide his feelings deep within himself.

Finally, the subject was to be very interesting and the fact that we were walking at the same time distracted me. I cut him a second to ask him if we could sit on a bench. He accepted and continued his monologue.

I.M: The days when he couldn't control his feelings for you, he was more friendly and even though he always seemed to get frustrated, he still looked after you. From what I could understand, sometimes his actions went beyond friendship.

I started to say something, but he put a finger to my mouth to tell me not to interrupt.

I.M: I guess the question that bothers you right now is "why he rejected these feelings?". Well, the answer is rather sordid, and I totally understand why he never told you. The best situation would be that he tells you about it himself but the time it'll take him to get there, you could make a blunder unknowingly and hurt him or else.

The only word that resounded in my head was "sordid". What did he mean by sordid?

End of chapter 27! Thanks to follow the fiction and to vote^^


Hate That  Monsta LXVER (ENGLISH VERSION)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz