Chapter 10

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It has been two weeks that school had started and also 2 weeks that I had seen the guys only a few times. I was hoping to at least get to see I.M more frequently, but no luck. I was going to graduate in a month, I also had to work harder for my audition which was in two months and a half, I had stress all over the head. With all these upcoming exams, I didn't know where to turn. Almost every night, I had either a dancing lesson, either a singing lesson and had very important revisions. Despite that, my father hasn't been moved by my words. He made it clear that if I wanted to be somebody one day, I had to work harder and always harder.

Today, we were Saturday and the guys had invited me to visit them at their dormitory as they would have no other time during the following week. Anyway, I wouldn't have had time either.

I arrived in front of a 12-storey building. I looked once more at the address that I.M had sent me by text messages. Okay, 9th floor, apartment 904. The apartment had to be pretty large to accommodate 7 people at a time. I hesitated between the elevator and the stairs, but like any normal person, I chose the elevator. Who would walk up 9 floors?

I knocked softly on the door and it immediately opened on Shownu's welcoming face. He gave me the same smile as usual. I think it had become our own way of greeting each other. Four of them took me in their arms and two others greeted me with their hands. As you may have guessed, Jooheon didn't greet me. It's not as if it was important, right? Okay, I got to admit that it was bothering me a bit... I didn't know why, but I had this little glimmer of hope that he would appreciate me more. It obviously wasn't the case.

I sat down on the couch between I.M and Hyungwon. I.M took me in his arms and held me against him.

I.M: Don't you think that it's weird not to be together as much as before?

Me: Yeah... But what can we do.

The guys looked at us, unsure of what they should say or not say. They were confused and it was fun to see. I met I.M's eyes which encouraged me to play the game. We were gonna have fun.

I.M: What are you looking at guys?

Wonho: Actually, we don't really know what we are seeing right now haha.

I.M: What do you mean? You thought I wanted to invite Ha Neul today at any price just for fun like that?

Jooheon: Wasn't it the purpose of her coming here? he muttered.

Oh, Jooheon. He was there. He was so quiet whenever I was around that I almost forgot his presence. Yet he wasn't the kind to keep it quiet in the tv shows they made. It was making me upset to see him acting like this with me.

To push the game further, I.M put a long kiss on my cheek and I felt that everyone hadn't taken it well. It wasn't a kiss on the mouth anyway. I couldn't believe they had fell in the trap.

Later, we ordered Chinese food and we ate on the floor of the tiny living room they had. I.M stood beside me and signaled to me it was time to tell them the truth and stop fooling around. I nodded and we began to laugh. Since they didn't know the truth, we could feel the uneasiness from Paris.

He cleared his throat and went on.

I.M: I can't believe you really believed this stupid story.

They all had an expression of surprise and some of them, of relief. We laughed heartily, but I could see from where I was that Jooheon hadn't found the joke to his taste. I would never understand him.

Minhyuk: Ohh, if you knew how I envy your friendship. It takes a deep friendship to make such a joke. I wouldn't do it with anyone.

Kihyun: You're going to find a girlfriend one day, Minhyuk. We are quite in the same situation as you, you know. Full of friends, no close friends.

Me: Well, that's enough, we're not here to depress about your fates of poor men.

We played a few games and the time came for me to leave. I hugged them one at a time not knowing when I would see them again. I reached to Jooheon and I hesitated slightly before I approached him and opened my arms. He stepped back to make me understand that I wasn't forced to do so. I got closer still and hugged him gently. I couldn't tell if he had hugged me back, but I found it enjoyable.

I left the apartment shouting a last few goodbyes and closed the door. The evening had been as fun as exhausting. I went down the hall to take the elevator, then I heard someone walking behind me. I turned around to make sure I wasn't being followed by any serial killer and overviewed Jooheon who stopped when he saw me looking.

Me: What are you doing?

Jooheon: I'll drive you.


Me: I'm fine, I came here on my own, I can do the same to go home.

Jooheon: At night it's too dangerous. Now stop negotiating and simply accept.

I didn't reply and we went down to the parking lot. He started the car and turned onto the highway.

Me: Is it them who have asked you to do that?

Jooheon: I offered to do it.

Me: Why is that so?

Jooheon: Because I know better than them where your house is located.

Oh yes, it's true. I was a little disappointed with his answer. I guess I expected it to be a little more... sentimental? Like, "I didn't want anything to happen to you" or "I would have felt guilty", etc.

Keep dreaming, I told myself.

The car arrived in front of my house without any incident.

As I was about to open the door and say thank you, he pulled me by the arm and forced me to look at him.

End of chapter 10! Thanks to follow the fiction and to vote:)


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