Chapter 11

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I honestly don't know how long we stayed like that without saying anything, but I ended up losing patience.

Me: You want to spend the night here or..?

He sighed.

Jooheon: Don't go... right now.

It's a little hard to leave when he's holding me by the arm like that anyway. But I really have to go... It's late and I need to sleep to survive tomorrow. Instead of telling him, I kept thinking about how I should tell him. And that's when he decided to re-engage the conversation.

Jooheon: Hey, you and I.M, you are friends since when?

Oh no, please, not this topic.

Me: We've been friends for about 2 years, why?

Jooheon: Oh. Just to know. I wonder how come we've never met when you became so close to I.M.

Me: Pfff, as if it would've been a good thing to have met before.

I said that sarcastically and laughing. I think he hadn't understood.

Jooheon: You're scared this much that we become friends for always saying shits like that?

Me: There's only one reason to why we can't be friends. You're the problem, that's all.

I didn't give him time to replicate and went out of the car.

So I always say shit, is that right? Whenever I feel that we become closer, he always has to ruin everything with his twisted questions. Although... Maybe I didn't helped the situation... We certainly had a mutual problem. It's still not funny to say that we should do couples therapy when we are not even a couple. This guy is a champion when it comes to put my feelings in all directions. One minute I appreciate him and the other he pisses me off, I want to blow him up and finally I feel guilty. I wonder how it feels to him. I had never noticed before, but earlier it hit me. Sometimes he tries to look strong and all but deep down he's a sensitive huh. It took me a while to understand.

My father was already asleep so I took a quick shower and immediately went to bed. I fell asleep quickly despite the tons of things that kept running through my head.


After enjoying a delicious breakfast cooked by my dad, we left, as we often do, for the agency. Against all odds he told me that the guys Monsta X would be there. He also told me very clearly that I shouldn't let myself distracted by a bunch of young men thirsty of...





singing and dancing.

Yes, you all thought the same you dirty minded people. What you need to know is that my father thinks differently from everyone.

My dad: If you want to have a chance to succeed your audition, you'll have to practice constantly after you graduated. During these two months, you'll have to focus on singing and dancing only. No way to go out with friends or others; you will do it when you have a guaranteed spot. For now, the important thing is that you graduate.

Hard work is waiting for me. But I was desperate to get my place in this agency that was almost like my second home. Now I was left with only one thing to clarify with my father... I wondered if I should tell him now or wait until after I finished school. The sooner the better, right?

Me: Dad?

My dad: Yes darling?

Me: I know that since I was young, you taught me to sing and I learned a lot throughout the years, but...

My dad: What? You don't want to sing anymore?!

Me: No! It's not that. In fact, a little.

My dad: Oh what's going on?!

I felt my heart pounding. I couldn't go back, it was time to tell him what I really wanted. Even if it displeased him in the end.

Me: I would like to become a rapper.

He instantly became pale.

My dad: What?

Me: I... I think about it since a while and it makes me much happier than singing. I feel able to express myself fully into rap and... I don't feel that with singing.

He took a deep breath. He had just parked the car in the parking lot of the agency. He turned to me and put his hand on my head.

My dad: You know, I'd do anything for you. And I know that your mother would be proud to see how well you manage your dreams. It makes me a twinge of heart that you want to stop singing for rap, but the way you're talking to me, I want to see where it will lead you. Show everyone how I have the best daughter in the world.

Me: Thanks dad!!

I took him by the neck and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Today, a new era began for me. Now I had to go meet the rap coach.

I made my way down the hall to the door I wanted. I knocked and the person I just wanted to see opened. He apologized to the people in and went out a few minutes to listen to me. After explaining the reason of my presence, he seemed surprised but delighted to finally have a new rapper avid of learning under his wing. He even invited me to come and observe the current session so that I can see how it works in there. I accepted with pleasure and followed him into the room. I found I.M and Jooheon shocked to see me there.

I.M: You've decided to take the same path as me? To copy is bad you know.

His ironic tone calmed the atmosphere.

Me: Me?? Copy you?? Keep dreaming.

I chuckled and came to sit between the two boys.

The "teacher" (which is named Jae Sung, but just Jae for friends) made Jooheon rap first and I fell under his charm right away. It's so natural to him and that's probably the thing I admire most in him. Then he made I.M, who's also very talented too of course, rap. I was taken aback when he asked me to make a demonstration of my rap. F*ck. I had nothing prepared and I wasn't quite at the level of free style peace and love no problem it flows along, you know?

He told me that I could just pick a song and put it into karaoke. It was not as bad, but stress prevented me from thinking clearly. My hands started to tremble and I realized that I had to calm myself immediately. I don't usually stress like this. Maybe it was the fear of looking like a total noob in front of Jooheon or to fail because I have no talent.

There was a song that I completely mastered: Tough Cookie by Zico. Not the most friendly song or the most respectful in the world, I know that but the beat and the charisma of Zico in the song overcame me and I began to practice it.

Jae (I consider myself as a friend indeed) presses play and the song begins. With a 20 second intro, I have time enough to put myself in the rhythm. From the beginning, however, I stumbled on the first word and was unable to continue.

End of chapter 11! I'll try to post chapter 12 tonight^^ Thanks to follow the fiction and to vote!

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