Downhill from Here

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The Master was sitting in the middle of his throne room meditating. As he sat in thought and contemplation, five Motorheads came from the rafters and began surrounding him. One Motorhead walked up to him and drew a sword. As the Motorhead brought it down on him, the Master actually caught the blade in his hands. His eyes flew open as he palm punched the Motorhead in the stomach, causing him to fall to the ground. The Master quickly caught the fallen blade as he got to his feet and two more of the Motorheads charged towards him. He blocked the blade strike of one and quickly swiped his feet. The third Motorhead tried throwing shuriken at him, but the Master used his sword to block most of them. He caught one and threw it back at the Motorhead, causing it to impale him in the shoulder. A fourth Motorhead threw a Kusarigama chain at him, making it wrap around his arm. The Master simply pulled on the chain, yanking the Motorhead forward so the Master could clothesline him. Just as he was about to face down the final Motorhead, there was a polite knock at the door. Though irritated, the Master signaled the Motorhead to stop and he went over to his desk to press a small red button. There was a buzz and the door opened as he sat down at the desk.

"Master!" Stockman greeted as he waltzed into the temple-like room.

"This had better be important Stockman." the Master cautioned. "I detest being interrupted."

"I am very well aware of that Master," Stockman assured him as he reached into his lab coat. "But, what I have to show you is beyond important."

From his coat, the scientist pulled out two files, handing them to the Master. One was labeled 'T.M.N.T.' and appeared to be a relatively new file. The second was much older, the papers yellowed slightly from age and the label reading 'Project Oracle'.

"The Project Oracle file?" The Master asked, perplexed. "I thought you said she was destroyed."

"That was my initial conclusion, yes." Stockman agreed. "However, it would seem that the reports of her demise were greatly exaggerated. Not only is she alive, but she is one of the five nuisances that have been causing you so much grief, Master."

The Master set the files down, looking at Stockman with a rising anger.

"So what you are telling me is that not only were your reports of her termination inaccurate, but she had been working alongside my enemies, dismantling my entire empire, and ruining everything I have built for myself?!"

Stockman stumbled back, never having been on the receiving end of his Master's wrath. Sure he had witnessed the man filet his enemies without hesitation, but never had we thought his life may be the one to be snuffed out. Taking a quick gulp, Stockman quickly tried to recover.

"The evidence pointed to her death," Stockman rationalized. "I had no way of knowing she would survive. If I had known-"

"Enough!" The Master cut him off. "I do not tolerate excuses Stockman. I want to know how you're going to salvage this."

Stockman nodded quickly, already trying to calculate a suitable plan.

"Of course Master." he replied. "I have already compiled a detailed file on each of the turtles through the footage I witnessed. With it, you will be able to train your soldiers to properly combat this mutant threat should I rise again."

"And what about the 'Oracle' problem?" the Master asked.

"I may have a way of capturing her, and possibly the turtles as well, saving you the time and effort needed to train your men." Stockman answered, the plan already forming in his head. "All I require is the use of Hun and some of his men, if you allow it, that is."

The Master contemplated for a moment.

"Very well Stockman." he relented. "Do what you need to. But I caution you to get it right, or your next mistake will be your last."

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