Hunter Games

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In a small apartment in New York, a figure sat in front of his television, watching the news with a vicious scowl.

"And in other news, the turtle creatures remain at large, despite police efforts to bring them in. Because of this, Chief Vincent is offering a reward for anyone with information that could lead to their capture."

The figure smiled maliciously, rising from his seat and turning off the television.

"I wonder what yer offerin if ya manage to bag one." he remarked, walking over to a rifle he kept on a shelf.

He gave it a look over before brandishing it like a hunter, a large smile poking out from under his thick mustache.


Down in the sewer, everyone was looking over a map of the entire sewer system, several red x's dotting it. Donny had a red marker in his hand, already adding yet another x.

"This tunnel collapsed last month, so crews are still down there trying to clean it up." He reported. "That means this entire section is off limits."

"So that's out." Leo replied. "What about the north-west tunnels?"

"We already scoured that section for anything usable." Raph declared. "Nothing big enough."

"Well, there's that old drainage junction." Hisako offered, pointing at it on the map.

"Not structurally sound." Donny shot down. "Floor could give out beneath you."

"How about this section here?" Mikey suggested.

"Too close to the old lair." Leo argued. "Even with the Foot no longer a threat, I'd prefer not going there any longer than we have to."

"Especially since that's where I got arrested and cops will be checking the place out." Hisako added.

"So we need somewhere isolated, away from anywhere we've been sighted, and structurally sound." Donny listed off.

Mona Lisa let out a sigh.

"When I asked for suggestions on where to find a place of my own, I did not expect it to become such an ordeal." she declared.

"Hey, I promised we'd help you and we will." Raph reassured. "Unfortunately, the sewers weren't exactly meant to be lived in.

"And yet, here you all are." Lisa pointed out.

Before any comments could be made on that, Splinter walked in.

"What is going on here?" he questioned.

"We're searching for somewhere for Lisa to set up shop." Hisako answered. "Unfortunately, real estate in the sewers is lackluster at best."

"I see." Splinter observed. "Lisa, you know you are welcome to stay with us for as long as you need."

"I appreciate the offer, but I desire my own place." She explained. "That, and using your absent daughter's room is... disconcerting. I feel like a trespasser."

"Well, if I may offer my opinion, there is the abandoned reservoir station on the west side of the city." Splinter offered, pointing at it on the map. "It's far from anywhere we have been sighted and long forgotten by the city. You will be safe there."

The others looked at the location in contemplation.

"That... could work." Leo declared.

"All the tunnels leading there are in good condition, and there's are multiple routes to get there as well." Donny noted. "It's perfect!"

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