The Way of Invisibility

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Onboard the lone ship docked in the abandoned pier, Oroku Saki sat in the middle of the deck in a meditative stance. He was not wearing his armor, his chest bare and revealing the freshly healed scars of his previous battle. Though several days had passed since he'd been removed from the vat, he could still feel the dull ache of the pain all across his body, a weakness he could not afford, and one he was determined to fight off.

Just then, all five members of the Shredder's elite guard appeared in a puff of smoke, one right after the other. They had their weapons trained on their Master, determined to bring him down.

The kusarigama elite attacked first, throwing his chain out at him. Saki quickly grabbed it and pulled the elite in close. Saki then grabbed the elite by the throat and slammed him into the ground.

The butterfly sword elite charged at him next, swinging his weapons wildly at him, but missing every time. Finally, Saki caught one his arms and twisted it, causing him to kneel down. Saki then struck him in the face, taking him out.

The spear elite was next. As he swung his weapon at him, Saki grabbed it and used it to swing the elite overhead and onto the ground. The kanana and hook sword elites then came at him at the same time. Saki quickly used the blunt end of the spear to strike the katana elite in the gut, taking him out.

The Hook sword elite then tried bringing his swords down on him, but Saki just brought the spear up to block him. He then pulled the spear back, yanking the elite's swords out of his hands. Before he could react, Saki struck the elite in the face with the blunt end, knocking him out.

With all of the elites groaning at his feet, Saki straightened up, flexing his fingers as he looked down at his arms. Yes, he had been out of commission for awhile, but he was ready to return to battle.

"Master." Hun called out, opening the door to the hull. "Dr. Chaplin has asked me to collect you. He believes he's done it."

"Excellent." Saki replied. "I'll be there in a moment."

Hun nodded, then walked back inside. Saki watched him go, then picked up his shirt before following in after him.


Dr Chaplin was hunched over his computer setup as Saki and Hun entered the room.

"I trust your latest breakthrough is completed." Saki guessed.

"As a matter of fact, yes." Chaplin replied, adjusting his glasses as he turned around to face Saki and Hun. "All they need now is your seal of approval."

"Then let us see them." Saki instsited.

Chaplin snapped his fingers, and all of a sudden, a quintet of figures suddenly jumped out of the shadows. They landed in a single file line in front of Saki, each of them giving a proper bow. They were wearing long black trench coats over navy blue tech suits. The foot insignia was embedded in the center of their chests, with strange looking technological veins sprouting from it. Their masks were more traditional than what the Foot usually wore, covering their entire face save for glowing red lenses over their eyes.

"Master Shredder, allow me to introduce the Foot Tech Ninjas." Chaplin declared happily.

"Interesting designs." Saki commented. "But can they do the job?"

"See for yourself." Chaplin offered before turning to Hun. "Mr. Hun, would you be so kind as to attack them?"

At the word attack, all five of the ninjas dropped the trench coats, revealing a pair of long staff-like weapons strapped to their backs. In perfect unison, they drew the weapons, extending them. Hun was surprised by this but smiled and cracked his knuckles regardless.

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