Date Night

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At Eastman-Laird University, students were bustling to and from classes. A few were just hanging out in the courtyard either shooting the breeze or playing on their phones. Among these students was April, who sat under a tree trying to study. However, her attention was fleeting as her mind kept drifting to her friends who were currently holed up underground. The smallest thing would remind her of them, from the smell of pizza, to a skateboarder, to one student carrying a turtle shell backpack. She was starting to become a bit depressed, burying her face in her text book and letting out a groan.

"I know students are supposed to get frustrated with school, but I didn't think you'd be one of them." a voice remarked.

April looked up to see Casey standing before her with a smirk on his face.

"Casey, hey." she greeted, adjusting her glasses. "I'm not frustrated with school. I'm just... frustrated in general."

"About the guys?" Casey guessed.

"Yeah..." April lamented. "I mean, every time I look up, there's something reminding me of them, and the fact that they're on lockdown for the sole reason of being different. It's not fair."

"I know." Casey agreed, sitting down next to her. "I miss em too. I want nothin more than to pop down to say hi, but..."

"But we can't for risk of getting tied to them or leading the police to their front door." April muttered, slamming her text book shut bitterly. "Why does the world hate them?"

"Because the world is run by idiots who think anything different is gonna kill them." Casey remarked.

"Right..." April grumbled, slumping against her tree. "I hate humanity."

"Join the club. We got jackets." Casey joked, nudging her.

April snorted slightly, lightly punching his arm. The two just sat under the tree for a bit, not really saying anything. Then Casey came to a decision.

"You know what?" Casey spoke up. "I think we need to take the day off."

April blinked in response.

"Day off?" she repeated. "Casey, we still have classes to-"

"Forget classes." Casey told her. "Considering the past few days we've had, we need a personal day. Besides, considering your perfect attendance record, you can afford one absence."

"And what about your less-than-stellar record?" April challenged.

"I'm nowhere near the drop-out mark, and I've got A's and B's in all my classes." Casey informed her. "I'll be fine."

"But-" April tried to protest.

"Come on." Casey insisted "I think you could stand to break the usual 'studious student' routine, and have some fun for once. What do you say?"

April looked conflicted, glancing down at the stack of textbooks and assignments she had surrounding her. After a moment, she sighed.

"Alright." she decided. "One day off wouldn't hurt."

"Great." Casey replied, getting up and grabbing April's hand. "Let's go."


A few minutes later, April was riding on the back of Casey's bike, riding through the streets of the city.

"You hanging on ok back there?" Casey asked.

"Yes, I am." she promised. "I just wish you'd tell me where we're going."

"You'll see." Casey replied. "But first, you hungry?"

"I never did get a chance to grab some lunch." April admitted.

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