Enter the Shredder

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Amidst the broken glass strewn across the rugs of April's apartment, and the torrent of rain pouring in from the open window, Leonardo lay unconscious, beaten to within an inch of his life. His siblings and Master all knelt around him, each of them scared beyond measure. April clung to Casey, fighting back tears as she stared down at her friend.

Not two minutes ago, the blue turtle had been flung through the window like he was nothing. Before falling into unconsciousness, Hisako had been able to read his fading thoughts, pulling the name of his attacker from his mind. Unfortunately, that name left more questions than answers.

"The Shredder?" Raph repeated. "Who the shell is that?"

"I don't know that guy, but I hate that guy." Mikey declared, his fingers twitching over his Nunchucks

Splinter looked at his fallen son, then at the others. The name Shredder was all too familiar to him, a name that meant certain doom for them all if they remained where they were.

"We are no longer safe here." He declared. "We must flee."

He bent down to try and lift his son, April immediately bending down to help him. As they did this, the rest of the windows in April's apartment exploded inward as various motorheads entered the apartment. Everyone gasped, the still conscious turtles and Hisako all readying their weapons. Casey pulled his mask over his face, drawing a golf club as a weapon.

"You guys again!" Raph yelled. "So this Shredder guy's part of the Foot Clan! As if I needed any more reason to hate him!"

The Foot soldiers charged at them full force, determined to finish what they'd started. Raph struck at them with the blunt end of his sai, taking down one after another in a fit of unbridled rage, not just at the motorheads, but at himself. The image of Leo lying broken on the ground just added more strength to his furious attacks.

Mikey joined in, spinning his nunchaku wildly. He didn't even bother dispensing with his usual banter, feeling that this was neither the time nor the place. It was time for some helmet-wearing creeps to get the comeuppance they so richly deserved for what had happened to Leo.

Donny blocked one oncoming sword strike with his staff, his eyes scanning the apartment for a possible escape route. He knew from experience that neither Raph nor Mikey would be thinking about getting out, leaving that task for him. Unfortunately, because of this, he wasn't fully paying attention to his opponents, which left him open for another Foot soldier to leap at him. Thankfully, before the Motorhead could strike with his sword, he received a kick to the gut courtesy of Hisako.

"Watch your back Don!" she called out, jumping on top of the motorhead who had tried to hurt her brother.

"Thanks sis." Donny responded, kicking the other soldier.

"We cannot afford to stay here!" Splinter informed fending off a few Foot soldiers himself. "Michelangelo, April, get Leonardo down the fire-escape."

"Will do!" Mikey called.

"Raphael, Donatello, clear a path." Splinter continued.

"Way ahead of ya." Raph called back.

"Hisako, Mr. Jones, with me. We will hold the rear." Splinter finished

"Got it sensei!"

"You're the boss, Splinter."

Mikey jumped over to where April was, helping her to pick up Leo. He grimaced at the sight, something that didn't go unnoticed by April.

"He'll be okay, Mikey." she assured him. "Once we get him out of here."

"Right." Mikey agreed, though he didn't sound very convinced.

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