Arrested Development

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Two weeks had passed since the Triceraton invasion. The city had been working to clean itself up, everything slowly returning to normal. The EPF had cleaned up the crashed ship in record time, and people were roaming the streets once again. Down below the streets though, a certain family was beginning to feel the effects of cabin fever. While things in the city had calmed down, the Hamato family remained firmly in their homes, still licking their wounds from their crash and hasty escape.

"Ugh..." Mikey groaned, flopping upside down onto the couch. "There are no words to describe how bored I am..."

"You mean aside from bored?" Donny guessed.

"Yeah." Mikey said in agreement.

Raph threw a ball at the wall, watching it bounce before catching in his hand.

"Ugh, this is the worst!" he exclaimed. "I feel like we're back in prison again."

"At least this prison has cable TV." Donny pointed out.

"Besides, you know why we can't go out." Leo reminded his red-banded brother. "The city's still on a turtle hunt. We can't risk being seen by anymore humans."

"Leonardo is correct." Mona Lisa agreed, setting down the weight set she was working with. "It would be best to wait until your city is no longer so eager to catch you."

Hisako then wandered in from the kitchen, looking a bit worried.

"Houston, we have a problem." she spoke up. "We're down to a box of stale bran flakes and a bottle of ketchup that's probably expired."

"What?" Mikey let out. "How can we be out of food?"

"Probably because someone has been binge eating in front of the TV out of boredom." Donnie remarked, glaring at Mikey.

"We need to make a grocery run, or we're gonna have a remake of Lord of the Flies down here." Hisako pointed out.

"The phrase 'easier said than done' comes to mind." Leo remarked.

"We need food, Leo." Raph insisted. "Unless you want to start eating the worms and algae we find down here with us."

Everyone shuddered in revulsion at the thought.

"Ok, fair enough." Leo relented. "But going topside is completely out of the question."

"Even for me?" Hisako asked.

"You want to risk someone recognizing you?" Leo countered.

Hisako winced.

"Fair point." she admitted.

"Maybe we can call April and Casey, get them to do the grocery run." Donny suggested. "Then Hisako can pop topside just long enough to pay them back and collect our stuff."

"That could work." Leo agreed. "Would probably be best not to meet at the warehouse, just in case."

"How about the old lair?" Raph suggested.

"Could work." Leo agreed. "Don, make the call. Hisako, you're topside just long enough to collect our stuff."

"Trust me, the last thing I want it to get in trouble." Hisako insisted. "I'll be gone before you can say 'Cowabunga'."

Mikey opened his mouth, but Raph's ball suddenly collided with his head.

"Don't even think about it, shell-for-brains." he declared.

Mikey just grumbled, crossing his arms and pouting.


Officer Kara Lewis walked out of a local coffee shop, making her way to the cop car parked out front. She slipped into the passenger seat before holding out one of the cups for her partner, Sergeant Sterns.

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