Mikey's Big Win

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The crowds gathered in the arena once more, the final four contestants arranged in a line down below. Ue-Sama emerged onto the balcony, a mournful look in his eyes.

"Friends." he addressed. "Warriors. Honorable creatures. It is with a heavy heart that I stand before you. I had hoped to spare you all the horrid truth of what had befallen my father, but I fear the time has come. Earlier this day, an assassin attempted to take the life of the Daimyo."

This was met with a chorus of horrified gasps and murmurs of disbelief.

"Though the Master Healer has done the best he can, he says that there is little hope of recovery." he said sadly. "I know that we will all mourn his loss, but I also know my father would have wanted the tournament to continue. And so, let us congratulate our final four contestants. Kluh of Dimension Levram, Gennosuke of Dimension Earth 2.5, Tigerclaw of Dimension Nekomata, Hamato Michelangelo of Dimension 5th Earth."

As their names were called, each contestant stepped forward, raising their weapons towards the cheering crowd. Mikey looked at the three large fighters that were left, suddenly feeling a might overwhelmed. The feeling was fleeting as he took a deep breath, steadying his nerves.

"You can do this, Mikey." he told himself. "It's time to show them what you're made of."

"Champions," Ue-Sama spoke. "Good luck, and may the best warrior win!"

He slammed his staff down on the ground, and light shimmered around the contestants once again. They disappeared into light as the arena shifted one more time. This time, it divided perfectly down the middle, the final four contestants split up at random.


Mikey had his eyes closed as he reformed in his half of the arena. He slowly cracked his eye open, finding himself facing off against Gennosuke. He let out a sigh of relief, drawing his nunchucks.

"Oh thank goodness." he said gratefully. "It's just you."

"Don't sound too relieved turtle." Gen replied, drawing a sword. "I am a formidable bounty hunter in my world. I was trained my entire like to track, hunt, and kill. And I've been doing it a lot longer then you, kid."

"Oh is that supposed to impress me?" Mikey asked. "Eh, it's cool I guess."

Gennosuke spat, then charged at Mikey, his sword in the air. Mikey quickly leapt out of the way of the blade before it hit him.


Kluh grew to his full size, growling as he stared down Tigerclaw. The tiger merely popped the joint in his neck, then flexed his claws in a clear "come at me" motion. Kluh ran forward, his weapon high above his head. Tigerclaw caught it, but Kluh quickly wrenched it from his grasp before the tiger could truly try something. He then caught Tigerclaw in the gut, forcing all the air out of his lungs. Before he could react, he was backhanded across the arena, where he landed in a heap. He grunted in pain, pulling himself to his feet.

"Well now things are getting interesting." he smirked.

He got to his feet, pulling a long chain with a weight on the end from his belt. The weight fell to the ground with a loud thud before Tigerclaw began twirling it in the air.

"Come on." The tiger insisted, a sadistic grin on his face. "Let's fight!"


In the dungeon, Splinter paced around his cell, nervous energy making the usually calm ninja master jittery and jumpy. Tigerclaw's threat still rang in his ear, filling his mind with confusion and despair.

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