Here We Go Again

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The days bled into weeks at the Hamato children searched high and low for their missing father. They all spread out across the city, each of them covering a different piece. Walking along the busy streets, Miwa had her hood up, hands in her pockets as her eyes scanned every shadow. The sun was rapidly beginning to rise, bringing an end to yet another night of fruitless searching as Miwa attempted to stifle a yawn. She placed her fingers against her ear where a small earpiece resided, speaking quietly into it.

"I'm sorry guys, but I'm still not seeing hide nor tail of dad." she muttered. "Any luck on your end Donny?"

Donny had taken to the rooftops, sending out a homemade drone he'd cobbled together to find Splinter. Unfortunately even with every different type of scope and camera he could think of, it still wasn't enough to locate anything.

"No luck on my end." Donny replied solemnly. "Mikey, see anything at the dump?"

Mikey leaned against a pile of garbage, a frustrated frown on the usually chipper turtle's face.

"I've seen a bunch of rats, but none of them are ours." he said, kicking a can in anger. "What about you Leo?"

Leo had scoured just about every sewer tunnel within a 10 mile radius of the remains of the Wolf Hotel, or what remained of it. He'd even brought Leatherhead along to see if his tracking skills could come in handy. Unfortunately, neither of them had found anything.

"The tunnels are devoid of any signs of Splinter." Leatherhead lamented.

"What about you Raph?" Leo asked. "Any luck getting the Purple Dragons to talk?"

Raph's fist connected with an unlucky Dragon's face, his nose breaking with an audible crunch. Another Dragon fell victim to a baseball bat wielded by Casey. The two hotheads had gone to town on the first batch of Purple Dragons they'd come across, venting weeks of frustration and fury upon them. Though they held back just enough to get a few choice questions in between punches, they'd come up empty.

"None that are still conscious." Raph spat, kicking the Dragon whose nose he'd broken.

"If someone's snagged Splinter, the Dragons are clueless." Casey noted, sliding his mask up to catch his breath. "This is the fifth group we've interrogated and so far nothing."

"Hey Hisako, you've been quiet." Miwa realized. "You doing alright?"

Hisako laid on a rooftop dominated by a satellite array, leaning against the supports as she held a tissue against her nose. All around her were similar bloody tissues, a result of her overusing her power to the point that she was more than a bit dizzy and disoriented.

"Just.... Need to rest." She assured them.

"Hisako, how many nosebleeds have you had?" Leo asked a bit worried.

"I'm fine Leo." she insisted, doing her best to sound stronger than she was. "Though Donny's idea to use the satellite array as a makeshift Cerebro is a failure."

"It was worth a shot." Donny told her.

Casey let out a yawn as he and Raph cleared out the last of the Purple Dragons.

"Guys, it's almost dawn. We all should probably head in soon."

"Agreed." Miwa interjected. "Hisako, need one of us to come get you?"

"Nah, I'm good." Hisako assured her. "I'll meet you guys in the lair."

"See ya!" Mikey called.

With that, all of them hung up, returning for home. Hisako, however, remained on the roof, looking at her hand. She was shaking bad, and was starting to regret not asking for help. Unfortunately, it was a bit too late now, so she slowly attempted to get to her feet. The second she did, the entire world began to spin. She stumbled a bit, unaware of how close she was to the edge until she connected with it. Her already horrible balance collapsed altogether as she began to fall over the edge. However, before she could even fully fall off the roof, a gloved hand came from seemingly out of nowhere, grabbing her by her arm and pulling her back onto the roof. She ended up colliding with a large man in a long coat and dark glasses as he slowly ushered her away from the edge. Once there was no more danger of falling, the man gently lowered her to the ground, eying her with a note of concern.

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