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In the secluded woods outside of New York City, a large mansion stood overlooking a large cliff. Inside the mansion, Saki laid on an operating table as Dr. Chaplin worked on attaching a metal arm to the stump of his right. It was a slow process, and Saki had refused aesthetic, determined to power through the pain.

"I'm almost done, Master." Chaplain reported. "Just another minute, and your arm will be good to go."

"Do what you have to, Dr. Chaplin." Saki told him. "Just get it done!"

Chaplin nodded as he proceeded, finishing up with the procedure before setting his tools aside. He lifted his safety goggles, nodding slightly.

"That should be it." he announced. "Give it a test."

Saki looked down at his new metal arm and focused on the hand. His fist clenched and two blades thrusted out. Saki smiled in response as he raised his arm.

"This shows promise." Saki admitted. "Let's test this new arm out."

Chaplain nodded, then he stepped back as Hun entered the room. The Gamaron was still in his natural form, and had a large stone statue in his arms. He set it down in front of his Master, stepping back as well.

"Go ahead, Master Shredder." Chaplain insisted. "I promise you won't be disappointed."

Saki clenched his fists as he charged towards the statue and slashed at it with his metal arm. As he stopped in his tracks, the top half of the statue slid off and fell to the ground. It shattered on impact, eliciting a cruel grin from Saki.

"Perhaps this handicap works as a benefit, after all." Saki mused.

"I'm glad you approve, Master." Dr. Chaplain told him, stepping forward again. "If you're ready, I can show you what else I've been working on while you were recovering from your first encounter with the Hamato Clan."

"Even I have to admit, the kid's done a good job." Hun announced. "He ain't no Stockman, but he's pretty close."

"Then let's see what you have for me, Dr. Chaplin." Saki told him.


Dr. Chaplain led Saki and Hun into his personal lab in the mansion, revealing a row of cells lining one of the walls.

"I'm sure you remember Project Tusks and Project Horn." Chaplain began, gesturing to the first pair of cells.

Inside the cells were the same mutant warthog and rhino from TCRI, the very ones that Saki had pulled from the rubble after its collapse. Neither of them looks like they had been treated well, fresh bandages of their arms and thick metal collars on their necks.

"Through their DNA mapping, I was able to work out exactly how Dr. Stockman was able to find the proper balance between a sentient creature and a wild animal." the doctor explained. "And with that knowledge, I've created a few new creatures for you to appraise."

Saki walked over to a cell that held a tall, slender creature with a wolf-like face, long boney claws, and beady yellow eyes. There was a muzzle locked around his shortened muzzle, and his cell was covered in deep claw marks.

"This is Project Rahzar." Chaplain introduced. "He is a mutant coyote. He is incredibly agile, fast, and-"

Rahzar swiped at the glass, his claws shooting out of his fingers and bouncing on the thick glass wall of his cell.

"-and his claws appear to have become some sort of organic projectile weapon." Chaplain continued. "They're incredibly sharp and potentially deadly, as you can see."

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