Irregular Confinements

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The seven mutants were understandably confused by the situation they found themselves in. They'd been pulled off the street, expecting to be locked up and/or experimented on. They were exhausted and wounded, unable to really put up much of a fight. Despite all this, their supposed captors had basically dropped them off in the center of a military base, the only person in sight being Agent John Bishop. He stood before them, holding out his coat to reveal empty pistol holsters.

"As you can see, I am unarmed," He declared, even spinning around slowly while lifting his coat to show he wasn't hiding anything. "My men have gone inside, and while they are monitoring the situation, they are under my orders not to attack you or act in any way that may be perceived as hostile."

Everyone just looked at each other skeptically. Everything about this scenario screamed 'too good to be true'. Deciding that just standing there was pointless, Splinter spoke up.

"Why have you brought us here?" He questioned.

"Because if I hadn't, you would be in police custody right now. Unlike the rest of this city, I do not believe you to be a threat."

"Oh really?" Raph challenged.

"I believe that you and your family mean the city as a whole no undue harm," Bishop amended. "I believe that you all have risked your lives time and time again to protect New York, and even the world. Take tonight for example. Despite the present danger to you and yours, you still did everything in your power to eliminate the threat of H.A.T.E."

"Well... yeah," Mikey replied. "It's what we do."

"And this is what I do," Bishop said. "I help the citizens of this planet, no matter what they may look like."

He took note of Donny's injury, wincing slightly.

"Perhaps you'd be willing to let one of my doctors tend to your leg. We will have to go inside, but I give you my word you will be safe."

The family looked among themselves, then Leo glanced at Hisako. She put a finger to her head before shaking it, as if to say she couldn't read his thoughts. Even so, the makeshift bandages on Donny's leg was growing redder and redder, showing just how serious the wound was.

"...very well," Splinter relented. "But we wish to accompany him."

"I'd expect nothing less," Bishop nodded. "If you'll kindly follow me."

He led the family into the complex, the doors closing behind them.


Out at the Utrom Outpost in D'Hoonib space, Kraang was still seeing to repairs from the Triceratons visit. He was grumbling to himself the entire time about the damages the Triceratons inflicted to him and his facility.

"They didn't have to trash the place. I told them what they wanted to know without any fuss. Why did they feel the need to outright destroy my outpost? I just hope my call for assistance went through. I do NOT want to have to finish these repairs by myself."

Just then, a light went off in his central hub, signaling an incoming ship. Kraang maneuvered his hover pad over to the hub, hitting a few buttons before activating the screen. This allowed him to see several Utrom ships coming to the station, all bearing the insignia of the High Council.

"Finally! It's about time someone came!"

He hit the button to open the landing bay, allowing the ships to land. Once they had landed and the bay doors closed, Kraang rushed out to greet them. He went to the door and opened it up, revealing two Utroms in exo-suits and holding high powered laser rifles.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2020 ⏰

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