Operation: Shell Shocked

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April slowly came to, her head still fuzzy after fainting. As she pushed herself up, Casey's hand met her back.

"Easy there." he told her softly. "Just take it slow."

"Casey...?" she muttered, holding her head. "What-?"

"Let's not focus on that right now." he interjected. "Just drink this."

He handed her a warm mug of what smelled like tea. She sipped it, allowing the warmness to sooth her. As she began to regain her senses, she realized a few things. One, she wasn't in her apartment. Two, she wasn't in Casey's apartment either. Three, wherever she was reeked of mildew and stale water.

"Um, Casey?" She questioned, "Where are we?"

Casey gulped, rubbing the back of his head.

"Yeah... How much do you remember?" He asked.

April shrugged, taking another sip of her tea.

"I remember you scaring me, then you mentioned an attack on the pizzeria... and then-"

She froze mid-sip, suddenly remember just what is was that caused her to faint. She set her cup down, meeting Casey's eye.

"Then I saw four... large... monsters..."

"Hey, watch the 'M'-word!" Raph called out indignantly.

April squeaked, backing into the cushions of the couch she was sitting on as the turtles emerged from the shadows.

"Raph, calm down." Leo told his brother. "We've already made her faint once, let's try not to do it again."

"Hey, she's the one that used the M-word." Raph argued, gesturing to April. "I think I'm entitled to be offended by it."

April looked at the turtles, trying to rationalize what she was seeing. Part of her had hoped that she had just been dreaming, but here they were again.

"This- This can't be real." she muttered. "You- you can't be real."

Donny stepped forward.

"We are just as real as you and your friend are." he replied.

"Besides, if we weren't real, then why are you in our living room?" Mikey questioned.

April blinked, then looked around. She was in some sort of make-shift living quarters, a house that seemed to be built into the sewers. Thinking on that, it explained the mildew smell.

"Who are you?" She asked, hugging onto a couch pillow.

Mikey stepped forward, a grin on his face.

"I'm glad you asked. How's about I do the introductions?"

"Mikey-" Raph tried before being cut off by Donny.

"Let him." the purple turtle said. "He's been wanting a chance to do this for years."

Raph sighed and Mikey cleared his throat.

"Over here in the blue, we've got Leonardo. He's our fearless leader rocking the Dual Katanas."

Leo brandished his swords with a bit of flair before sliding them back into their sheathes.

"On my right in the purple is Donatello. He's a tactical genius who is, technically, a genius. Guy can make any piece of technology out of scraps from the dump."

Donny gave a bow, leaning against his staff.

"The hothead in the red is Raphael. He's a big cuddly teddy bear."

TMNT: Secrets of the Sewersحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن