Tales of Hamato Yoshi

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The Elites carried Karai into Saki corporations, making their way to Oroku Saki's office. When he saw them enter with an unconscious Karai, Saki couldn't decide whether to be angry or worried.

"What happened?!" he demanded.

"We- we do not know." The elite holding Karai explained. "She ordered us to wait outside, and when we finally entered, we found her like this..."

Saki just looked down at Karai and put a hand on her face before looking back up at the elites.

"Take her to the infirmary." he ordered. "Now!"

The elites bowed and carried Karai off, unaware of what was transpiring inside her head.


Saki came to visit her down in infirmary as Dr. Chaplin was examining her. His face was scrunched in confusion and he was chewing on the end of his pen nervously, as if unsure of what was going on.

"You better have some news for me, Doctor." Saki threatened.

"I'm afraid this isn't anything like the last time you brought her to me." Chaplin told him. "You see, the last time, her brain activity was relatively normal. But now..."

He gestured to a screen, which was showing brain activity that was far above normal standards.

"I'm not exactly sure what is going on, but whatever damage was done, her cerebral cortex is working overtime to get everything in order, and ceased all unnecessary functions in order to work at the greatest capacity."

Saki raised an eyebrow at this.

"What did that girl do to her?" He asked.

"I don't know, Master." The doctor replied, looking down at Karai, whose eyes were moving restlessly behind her eyelids. "All I know is she just needs to fight this on her own. All we can do is wait... and pray."

Saki looked down at Karai, running his fingers through her hair. He was getting sick and tired of seeing his daughter in such a state. Standing over her bed, his free hand clenched hard enough to pop his knuckles.

"Fight this Karai." he told her, "Fight this, then we will make them all pay."


The Hamato siblings returned home, all of them flopping onto the large couch that dominated the living room.

"Well, we did it." Hisako declared, leaning back on the couch. "The memories were implanted... now we just need to wait while they settle."

"Yeah, however long that will take." Raph snorted.

"We just need to be patient." Leo told him.

Splinter heard his children talking and came out to join them.

"I take it your mission was a success." he noted.

"We'll know once Karai comes to." Donny informed him. "And hopefully when she does, she'll be a bit more open minded."

Splinter let out a sigh of relief.

"I do hope so." he admitted.

"In the meantime," Leo spoke. "Maybe you can tell us what happened between you and Shredder?"

Splinter let out a nod, taking a seat in his usual easy chair. The others sat forward on the couch, eager to listen.

"I suppose that I should start from the beginning." Splinter mused. "The day my life changed irrevocably."


Tokyo, a lifetime ago.

A young Hamato Yoshi stood on a street corner, his stomach rumbling loudly. He looked down at it, rubbing it as he searched his pockets. He had a few yen he'd managed to earn, but it was hardly enough to get himself some food. He sighed, leaning against a lamp post in defeat. As he did, something caught his eye. A blind man was making his way across the street, his cane tapping along the asphalt as we walked. Coming right up the road the man was trying to cross was a large truck, one that was definitely not stopping anytime soon.

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