In the Big House

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The Hamato siblings were all on the ground of the Triceraton ship, gasping on the poisonous air and writhing in contorted agony. As they struggled to remain consciousness, the brown gelatinous blob that Mikey had accidentally freed began to make its way towards the five. It branched out in five different direction, slowly pulling itself into five pieces. Each of these pieces began to crawl up each of the siblings until it as sitting on their chests. It then began to melt, seeping through their clothes and through their skin (or plastron in the case of the turtles). As it made its way under their skin, brown veins began to trail from the main mass, making their way up their faces. It connected with the corner of their mouths, their nose, and then finally the corner of their right eyes. The second that final connection was made, all five of them suddenly gasped as fresh air flooded their lungs.

They all greedily sucked filled their starved lungs, coughing and wheezing as their bodies attempted to return to normal. Unfortunately, this robbed all five of them of consciousness, reducing them to a pile of sleeping ninjas. No sooner had they passed out, the doors to the cargo bay opened up, allowing a group of about five Triceratons inside.

"Spread out." One of the Triceratons ordered. "Make sure everything is still in place."

The Triceratons spread out, each of them taking a different path through the maze of containers and crates. One of the Triceratons caught sight of the broken remains of the container that once held the gelatinous blob.

"Uh, sir?" He called out. "We've got a problem."

"What is it?" another Triceraton asked.

"It's the Cerebralite." the first one explained. "Its container was destroyed."

There was a loud snort of anger as the lead Triceraton punched a container next to him.

"Slag. That thing cost us 30,000 zemulaks! The Prime leader will have our horns!"

"Sir, it just got worse." a third Triceraton interjected. "I found something."

The Triceratons converged on the third of their quintet, who was standing over the pile of unconscious bodies.

"It's the four Gamarons and the humanoid that were with the Fugitoid." one of them commented. "They must have followed us in an attempt to take him back."

"Well, they're no threat to us now." another remarked. "They're oxygen breathers, and never would have survived our nitrogen rich atmosphere."

One Triceraton judged at Mikey's unconscious body, rolling him onto his shell. When the leader saw the brown vein on his face, he let out an angry snort.

"The Cerebralite." he spat. "It bonded with them."

"Should we destroy them sir?" a different Triceraton asked.

"No." the commander replied. "Lock them up for now. The Prime Leader will decide their fate."


Donny was the first to come to, rubbing his forehead to alleviate a headache caused by the temporary lack of oxygen. As he rubbed, he found his wrists attached to each other, which caused him to become more alert rather quickly. He pulled his hands back to see a pair of futuristic looking cuffs locked around his wrists. The sight made his heart plummet into his stomach.

"Oh shell..." he swore.

The purple turtle took a look around, attempting to get his bearings. He was in a grey room that was completely devoid of any furniture, his brothers and sister leaning against the walls still unconscious. They all had similar cuffs on their wrists, and their weapon holsters were empty, their weapons no doubt confiscated. Standing up, Donny approached a small rectangular hole in one of the walls, though Donny got the feeling that the wall was really the door, peering through it. He saw a long hallway filled with grey doors with a similar rectangle hole.

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